9th String - It's Illegal to Kill

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Played By Strings of Fate

[9th String]

-It's Illegal to Kill-

When I woke up on Tuesday morning, the first thing that greeted me was a text from Clark saying that I had become famous overnight and I already have a fan club.

I bloody laughed at this. How naïve can those interviewers be? They actually published the bloody lie I told them? Bloody idiots. But the tabloid that published their story was even more bloody idiotic. Who would bloody believe that I am forty-two years old? People are so bloody gullible nowadays. I mean, just bloody look at me! Even though I'm bloody seventeen, I look like a bloody fourteen year old!

Does nobody know the bloody definition of sarcasm anymore? Bloody hell.

Anyway, as I thought, Jesse had a field day with what I did. He laughed so hard and dissed the tabloid that printed the story immediately saying they couldn't take a joke. He kept tweeting them insults.

He's frank like that.

Leslie on the other hand, was not taking the news so greatly.

"You should really be careful with what you say in public. Nothing will go unnoticed especially if you're best friends with someone as famous as Clark." she reprimanded me, a frown upon her slowly aging face.

I rolled my eyes, "Mum, you're overreacting."

"I'm not. Now what will your friends think of you?" she challenged sternly.

"Mum," I sighed, "Do you really think they would make a big deal out of this?"

Jesse and Kiel wouldn't lecture me for embarrassing the media by feeding them my lies. On the contrary, they would encourage me to do much, much more. Or at least, one of them will. Jesse's already partying with it. Who knows? Another one might drive him to even write a song about the humour of it all.

Leslie's sudden gasp startled me, "I thought you didn't have any friends. Clark was your only friend."

"Jeez. Thanks a lot." I answered sarcastically, leaning back on the chair.

She chuckled, "My apologies. But seriously dear, you have friends?"

I groaned, "Yes mum. Clark isn't the only person I associate myself with, you know. I talk to some people."

"Yes, but you hate some people Jade." she deadpanned.


"So, who are your new friends?" she inquired excitedly while placing the plate of blueberry pancakes in front of me.

I smiled and smelled the wonderful food present before me. Yum.

"Kiel and Jesse." I answered after taking my first delightful bite. I love Leslie's cooking. It brings me to a land of rainbows and unicorns. Or in my case, the land of Narnia and demigods.

"Where did you meet them?"

I raised an eyebrow in thought as I hesitantly answer, "Through Clark..."

She smiled smugly, "You're nothing without Clark." she pointed out as if she had already known it for a very long time.

I narrowed my eyes at my mum, "Where are you going with this exactly?" I questioned warily.

Instead of answering me like I wanted, she just winked at me, "Finish your meal. You're gunna be late."

I did as she said, ignoring her statement about me not being able to live without Clark. That is not true. I can live without him. Just because I don't have any other friends, doesn't mean I need him. I just choose not to socialise.

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