11th String - I Could Probably Do Better

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Played By Strings of Fate

[11th String]

-I Could Probably Do Better-

"Ow!" I grunted in annoyance, glaring at the seven-year old, "Amanda!" I scolded, giving her a disapproving look after she had hit me bullseye on the forehead with a barbie doll head.

She smiled sweetly at me before she sprinted towards the other end of the room.

I pressed my lips tightly to surpress the smile that was threatening to form. Amanda was the most hyperactive seven-year old girl I've ever met.

September was almost over and since I had been slacking off these past few days, I decided it was time to start working again.

I work in the after school program at the elementary school Leslie teaches at. I started here last year so I pretty much knew everyone. I help with the little monsters and although it's quite tiring since they are always full of energy, they put a smile on my face.

"Jade, Jade look!" Tyler called, tugging on my shirt excitedly. I stared down at him and saw him holding up a drawing of what I think was him, his twin sister, and some other guy.

"Who is he?" I asked, pointing at the figure next to him.

"He's Collin! He's the most awesome neighbour in the world! He comes over to play with us all the time," he said, bouncing on his feet.

I smiled at him. Tyler was an absolute sweetheart, the opposite of Amanda. Though Amanda was a nice little girl, she had an attitude. She kind of reminds me of myself sometimes.

"Tyler!" Amanda yelled, suddenly next to her twin brother, "How many times have I told you not to draw me with pigtails?" She frowned.

Tyler pouted, "But you love wearing pigtails," he reasoned.

"Not anymore! Pigtails are for little girls."

I shushed them because they were getting too loud and the other kids were being distracted from their work.

"But you are a little girl," I told her, smiling. Her frown deepened.

"Not you too," she whined.

I pinched her cheek, "Don't try to grow up yet kid," I said, meaning it.

My childhood was the best as it could be. Even though I was adopted and never knew my real family, I was happy with my current family. Clark and I would always have adventures and a boring day never existed. I had no problems and pain was a stranger to me.

How I miss those days.

Clark and I were okay now but I still had problems. I don't mind though. Without problems, there would be nothing to learn. Problems are what reminds us that our life is not perfect. Besides, perfect is boring.

Amanda stared at me confused, not understanding what I was saying. I don't expect her to, she's still a kid anyway.

I smiled at her and ushered her towards the indoor playground, where the other kids were, and she hesitantly complied.

I sighed. I never understood why I was so easily drawn in by children. It was so much easier being friends with them. They are young and know nothing about the harshness of life so maybe that's why. Some can be brats but none is ever purely bad. You can trust them wholeheartedly.

The day ended and I found myself walking down the same street Clark and I used to take whenever we walked home from elementary school. I felt nostalgic and I smiled unconsciously. Sometimes, I would wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't met Clark. Considering the fact that my whole life practically revolved around him, I would have been okay if I had more friends. I soon push that thought away. It wasn't possible. Clark only became my friend in the first place because I was loud and brave while he was the opposite. He needed the saving.

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