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What do you want Blake?"

"To be very honest i want you" my heart skipped a beat at his choice of words

"Eh relax i'm just kidding i just want you to  come to my house at 5 this afternoon"

"Nope" I said popping the P "You're the one who needs tutoring so you'll come to my house". I state firmly

"Okay well i guess i'll just have to tell miss Collins that you changed your mind and no longer need the extra credit." Blake says slyly.

"Blake please stop getting on my nerves i'll be there at 5 now leave me alone"  I say already tired of this bickering.

" Why would you say that now when you know very well that i'm not going to leave you alone" He says while taking a seat next to me. I take a deep breath and look towards Amy who was engaged in a conversation with Luke. 

Amy and i have been friends from middle school we bonded over the same kind of sadness. Her and mine bestfriend both ditched us when we didn't excatly shared the same amount of passion for makeup and boys. Not that we still give a damn about any of those things. But don't take this the wrong way it's not like we're lesbians or tom boyish. Nah we're just too busy with other stuff to just solely waste our brains on something so pathetic. 

I signed and looked around the class and saw Tyler coming towards  us.He stood behind Amy and whispered something in her ear a minute passed and Amy was out of the door with tears pouring down her now flushed red cheeks. As quickly as i could i gathered my stuff and ran towards her with Blake hot on my heels. Though i was confused why was he following us. I saw Amy running in the girls rest room and i took a sharp turn in too.

"AMY " i yelled. no reply " Amy open the damn door" i shouted standing infront of the washroom stall.

"Just *SOB* leave me ..alone *SOB* Emma" she whispered from the inside.

"No way in hell am i gonna leave you here like this now open the door and tell me what happened"

"He..*sniff sniff* Broke up with me * SOB* " She whispered

"That son of a biscuit" I muttered

"Don't worry Am We're gonna get him back for breaking your heart like this" i assured her "Now please come out you know i can't stand seeing you like this" i whispered. I hear slight shifting and then the stall opened. Amy stood there with her eyes swollen and puffed out. I quickly enveloped her in a bear hug assuring her how bad we're gonna kick that jerk's ass.


It's almost 5:30 and i've still not decided if i want to go over to Blake's house. And this is the forth time he has thrown some kind of an object at my window as a reminder. But what he doesn't know is that i'm the most stubborn person on the face of Earth ,so i'm not gonna go until i am fully prepared for his stupid immature behaviour. Finally the irritating reminder of Blake stops and i leave a breath of relief thinking that he might've given up but i was wrong. Very wrong.

A few minutes later the door bell rings.I know moms not home so i'll have to get it. I get up from my sacred bed and make my way to the annoying ding ding coming from downstairs.

"Ahh finally.... i thought you were dead in there" Blake says smiling idiotically

"Why are you here?" i ask simply ignoring his previous comment.

"Umm because you're not there" He says pointing towards his house.

"Umm because i don't want to be there " i reply

"Umm why not?"

"Umm because i hate you"

"Umm i don't care, now go and get your bag you're coming to my place. NOW." He says slightly irritated with our conversation

"UGH" i groan and make my way upstairs to get my stuff. I quickly grab my bag which was lying besides my study table and unplug my phone keeping it in the back pocket of my jeans.I switch off the lights and come flying down only to see that Blake standing in the kitchen looking at the fridge which was covered with pictures of my mom and I. But what i noticed was that he was looking at one of my family pictures in which  Amy and I  are standing with my parents and my little  brother. My breath hitched for a moment but i closed my eyes and counted to 10 then did a slight jingle of my house keys breaking Blake's attention from the photograph and signaling him to follow me out.

The way back to Blake's house was silent. I wasn't willing to speak and neither was he. I stood in front of Blake's door and motioned him to open it up. He then led me to his room. Only when i was seated on his bed and racking my brain to what should i do now a thought crossed my mind. I was in Blake's house. On his bed. Alone. What could possibly go right?


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