CH-5 Headaches

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The next day was hell.

"WHAT THE HELL" i shouted over the loud thudding of some object. My head was hurting and i felt like someone was drilling at the back of my head with a hammer and who the F*** opened the damn curtains?

"GET UP! GET UP! GET UP!" Amy's screeching voice came in my ear shot as i growled from under sheets.         
                                                         Wait sheets? i'm in my bed? When did i come home last night?How did i come home last night? All these questions just added to the already aroused headache in my head. I just silently laid there slowly rubbing my temples trying to get rid of the nausea feeling. If this is what having a few cans of beer  feels like i'm sure as hell not gonna drink ever again. While i was fighting these dirty feelings my selfish best friend continued to make it harder for me to stay alive by blabbering how late we are for school and what an irresponsible bitch I am.

"AMYYYYY!, WILL YOU JUST SHUTUP" I shouted in a hoarse voice. Suddenly all the shuffling and foot dragging stopped and a shocked Amy with a horrified expression stood silently in front of my bed. As i slowly sat up in a sitting position did Amy finally realize that something was wrong she took some slow and steady steps towards me making sure not to make any kind of noise.

"OH MY GOD" Amy slowly breathed out, " You're fucking hungover HOW? WHY? WHEN? EXPLAIN NOW" she demanded like she's a mom asking a three year old where did he got his clothes dirty from. When i didn't reply back Amy let out a sigh and stood up to leave the room i had no kind of energy to ask her where's she going but most of the questions got answered when she came back in holding a glass of water and some pills.

"Drink up it'll make the headache go away , when you feel better wash up i'll be downstairs making coffee and some pancakes and we're skipping school today" With that she started to get up but before she could i grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a hug whispering an I LOVE YOU in her ear.

"I love you more Bub but you sure as hell owe me one" she whispered back

"Yeah yeah whatever now give me some food you old lady" With the last laugh Amy left the room while sticking out her tongue at me. As the headache subsided i made my way to the washroom and got over with my daily routine while throwing over a pair of lose sweats and my dads old t-shirt . I was in for a whole day of laziness today.

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