Is this a book? No. Really? No. Am I smart? No. Am I ever going to say the opposite of no. No, Probably not. What does no mean? No. How did I come up with this book? No. Is this the first chapter? No.
Something doesn't seem right. No. Do you always say no? No. Say yes. Etiam. Don't say it in Latin! Say it in English! No. Was that even Latin? No. What was i...... No. Is it April Fools day? No. Wanna Play Super Smash bros. for the Wii U? No. This book is pointless. No. No? No. No? No. BlehBlehBleh. No. What is your name? No. What do you do for fun No? No. Can we stay on chapter one? No. Ok let's go to the next Chapter. No.