The First Steps

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Axel had checked if he had everything before he left but, he found himself checking over again. All he had was a leather jacket, a small backpack and a sachet filled with a shirt, a few knick knacks, a small knife and most importantly, a picture frame showing the life he once had and, the people he once loved.

Now that he was on the road he felt every paranoid about his things. Other than the constant sound of sirens in the distance there was quiet and empty-feeling in the air. No gunshots, no yelling, no sign of people.

It was early in the morning, so maybe everyone was still asleep? Unlikely but, he went with it for his bravery's sake.

As he trudged along, his feet scraped the ground causing a long mark to follow him. After a long while, he stopped for a second to look back at it. The line stretched for miles with no end in sight. How long had he'd been walking? The sky was getting dark and he was becoming exhausted.

"Dammit!" He yelled at the sky, "This was a terrible idea."

He was not one to get frustrated this easily. In fact, he was relatively calm but, this was really getting to him for some God awful reason. Probably it was that he realized that he was walking to a different country with no plan in mind.

"What did I expect? For all I know I'm being followed!" He looked around to see if anyone came out from behind the bushes and rubble.

No one did.

Of course not. It has been quiet for hours now. No one was out here. He had always been alone and always will be.

"Forget it." He mumbled to himself.

With a yawn, he gave up for the day and walked into a old, crumbling warehouse to get some sleep but, as soon he stepped in, he felt a warm liquid dripping down his arm.

He wasn't alone.

He had a small but, effective cut right on his arm.

"Aye you! Give it up." A man screamed at him. He looked only a few years older than Axel did.

Axel fell to the ground griping tightly to is wounded arm. "W-what do you want from me?"

The man slowly drifted closer to him. He held a large knife dipping with Axel's own blood.

"Your bags! Y-your food! Give it to me." He began to stumble over his words.

"My bags?" He remembered the picture that was deep in his backpack. He would never give that up.

"What are you fucking deaf?! Give me your shit!" The man screams hysterically as he lunges at Axel. At the last second he manages to spin onto his stomach, evading the weapon.

This man was going to kill him. He had cut him once and, he'll do it again, or worse. Axel staggered up to his feet quickly yanking out the small knife he had in his pocket.

Suddenly out of the blue, police sirens begin blaring outside. They've been making to much noise.

"Hey! Wait. Th-the police are outside!" Axel warns him, "Do you want to get arrested?!"

The man swings again clearly not bothered. Axel begins to understand that only one of them is coming out of this alive or, none of them. The police could come in here and shoot them both for simply causing a ruckus. 

His small knife shakes in his hands and his heart feels like drums in his chest.

He'll have to kill this man.

His vision blurs, either from the stress or maybe tears. He's heard of people changing after taking someone's life and he knew how morally wrong it was. He can't do this. He won't kill.

Once more the man charges at him as Axel tries to put up his knife. He could feel the blade push against his own skin before his instincts take over and his small knife plunges into the man's chest.

Slowly exhaling, he yanks the knife from the man, who is clearly yelling but, no sound comes from his mouth. He coughs up blood before falling to the ground in front of Axel. Dead.

Axel's body felt numb but, the warmth of the blood keeps him grounded. Reminding him that he is alive while, this man isn't.

He curls up on the ground with his hands over his head.

"It wasn't murder. I did what I had to do."

The police burst into the warehouse. Their many footsteps crashing through out the large building.

"Come out with your hands up!"

He couldn't go to jail.  That's where the bad people go. It was an accident, an accident! The police force is corrupted anyway.

Before they spot him, he quickly stumbles over to the back door but unable to keep his balance he tumbles to the floor, crashing against the concrete.


He was done for. Just out of spite, one of the police men tazed him in the back causing his vision to blacken on the sides.

"You are under arrest for murder." They handcuff him,"You have the right to remain silent anything you say or do can-"

Axel's world fades into nothingness.

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