A Late Night Stroll

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Asahi breathed in the cool air, exhaling heavily. It was finally getting cold enough outside for him to be able to see his breath. He walked down the street, not paying much attention to the time.

There was almost no one outside, which Asahi appreciated. He was not much of a people-person, and preferred being alone. He was just about to head home when he noticed something unusual. The building at the end of the street was lit up.

Walking towards the lights, Asahi noticed that it was a new bar. It had just opened today, by the looks of it. He checked his watch. It was 10:00 on the dot.

Well, I suppose I have time to go check this out. He decided, opening the door. There was only one other customer inside.

"Oh, hello there!" Said a cheerful voice from the bar counter.

Asahi looked in the direction of the voice and saw a short, excited
bartender.  He had a wide smile and lightning-bolt hair. He was almost a full two heads shorter than Asahi.

"Hi!" Asahi replied, waving. "This place is new, right?"

The bartender nodded enthusiastically and then jumped over the counter. He extended his arm, offering a handshake. "I'm Nishinoya Yuu! Care for a drink?"

Asahi was a little taken aback by his energy, but returned the handshake with a smile. "Asahi Azumane." He replied. "What have you got?"

Nishinoya quickly ran behind the counter. "I'll make you my specialty."

Asahi wasn't sure how much of this place's intense energy he could take. He sat down at the bar stool, relieved that Nishinoya was no longer being so loud.

"So, what made you decide to open a bar?" Asahi asked.

Nishinoya thought about this for a moment. "Well, I thought it would be fun." He explained.

Asahi nodded, and Nishinoya set the drink on the counter. He eagerly awaited Asahi's reaction.

Asahi picked up the drink and took a sip. "Woah," he said. "This is really good!"

Nishinoya did a little jump out of excitement.

"What do you call it?" Asahi asked.

"I call it the Rolling Thunder!" Nishinoya replied.

"Cool!" Asahi replied. He was studying the small man.

How could one guy have so much energy? He wondered. I'm exhausted just from talking to him, but he is quite fun to be around. I'll have to come back here sometime.

Asahi finished his drink, making small talk with Nishinoya. Once he was finished, he checked his watch. It was 11:30.

"Oh, I really should be going." Asahi stated.

"Aw, what a shame!" Nishinoya replied.  "You'll have to come back here sometime, Asahi!"

Asahi smiled and gave him a small wave. "I'll be sure to stop in again sometime."

Bartender - AsanoyaWhere stories live. Discover now