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Asahi welcomed Noya into the house, leading him to the sofa. Once he was sure Noya was comfortable, he went to the kitchen to make him something to drink.

"Hey, Noya!" Asahi called. "Hot chocolate or tea?"

Nishinoya practically jumped out of his seat. "Hot chocolate sounds good!"

He's such a cutie. Asahi thought as he prepared the drinks with a smile. Hopefully my hot chocolate won't disappoint him. I'm not a bartender like he is.

The hot chocolate was done, so Asahi brought it out to Nishinoya. "Here you go!" He said.

Noya gratefully took the cup, and then smelled the drink. "Woah, this smells amazing."

Asahi plopped down on the couch. "I'm sure it's not as good as anything you've made, but I hope you like it."

"Anything from you is sure to be amazing." Noya said. He took a sip of the drink.

Asahi eagerly awaited Noya's reaction.

"Oh." Said Noya. He appeared disappointed.

Asahi freaked out both internally and externally. "Is something wrong? Do you not like it? I can make you something else if you want... sorry!"

Oh god, what have I done? Asahi thought.

Noya put his hand on Asahi's shoulder. "Shh, calm down. You didn't let me finish. It's amazing!" He exclaimed. "It's honestly the best I've ever tasted. What did you put in here?"

Asahi relaxed. "You scared me. It's got some cinnamon in it, to give it some more flavor."

"Hm, an interesting idea!" Said Noya. "Maybe I'll introduce this in my shop. I can see it now, I'll call it... 'The Asahi!'"

Asahi got flustered. "O-oh, no, you don't have to name it after me!"

"Of course I do, it's inspired by you!"

Asahi smiled, but before he could say anything, Noya changed subjects.

"Can we go see the snow again?" He asked. "It's so cool!" (pun intended)

"Sure, but wouldn't you like a coat?" Asahi suggested.

"Hm." Noya thought. "Nah, I'll be fine!"

"If you say so." Asahi said, putting his coat on.

The two walked outside and Asahi stood on his doorstep while watching Noya run around in the falling snow. Asahi admired how cute the little guy was, and decided that he was lucky he had met him. He could see Nishinoya's eyes glisten with a happiness that he'd never seen before.

Noya stopped running. "It's cold."

"I told you so." Asahi teased.

"Come here." Noya stated.

Asahi didn't question it and walked over to Noya.

Noya stretched out his arms. "Warm me up."

Asahi blushed a little bit, but brought Noya into a hug. Noya squeezed him tightly.

"You're so warm." Noya said. "I don't want to let go."

Asahi stroked Noya's hair. "Well, we'll have to move to go inside sometime."

Noya laughed at Asahi's joke and looked up into his eyes. Asahi's brown eyes reflected the snow in a way that made it look like his eyes were star-struck.

"Let's go inside." Noya said.

Asahi lead Noya back inside and the two sat down on the couch. Noya leaned against Asahi, with his eyes closed.

"Wow," said Asahi, "is the little ball of energy finally tired?"

Noya chuckled. "Everyone has to get tired at some point, you know."

Asahi offered to let Noya go to bed, but he was too slow. Noya was already fast asleep.

He's so cute. Asahi thought. Noya's presence gave Asahi a sense of warmth he had never experienced before. This must be what it feels like to love someone. He decided.

Grabbing a nearby blanket that was within his reach, Asahi prepared to sleep. He pulled the blanket over him and Nishinoya - who was now using Asahi's legs as a pillow - and closed his eyes.

Ah. Asahi thought. I don't want to move. This is so comfortable and warm.

With that thought in mind, Asahi drifted off to sleep.

Authors Note:
Sorry about how long this update took! I've been super busy with school and I've been lacking the motivation to actually write anything lately. I'm going to try to finish this eventually, but no promises on how long it will take.

As always, any feedback you may have is appreciated! I hope you enjoyed this update. :)

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