What You Lost

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You were the one I should've gone to

Helping me with all the things I went through

I wanted to learn

I wanted to write

I wanted you to kiss me
And tell me goodnight

I wanted you to hold me
And tell me it's okay

Okay to make mistakes

Okay to slightly break

But why did it feel like you were the one who's breaking

Whilst I knelt on my knees crying
And slightly shaking

I gave you a billion chances
And you'd never take them

Always chose that over me
And I just hate it

I hate how you always called me daddy's little girl

I was never your girl

It was always a whirl

And you were always so high
You never cared about your girl

But it's fine though now

You lost your chance

I just hope you realise what you lost

And what you'll never get back..,

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