Chapter 1

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It was a quiet morning in the pokemon town named Nixx. A small mareep named Mitty had just entered the town. Mitty had recently left her herd of mareep to explore and see how other pokemon lived!
The town was currently empty since it was very early in the morning everyone was probably asleep.

While going down one of the dirt roads she found a few pokemon setting up their small shops. What caught her eye though was that she saw a chingling running out of one of the houses. The chingling seemed to be in a hurry as she watched a dewott run out of the same house as the chingling did, they were probably chasing after it.

Suddenly an unfamiliar voice hit her ears. "Hey, I haven't seen you around before! You're new arent'ya?" Flipping her head back her gaze met with a ryhdon, who was smiling down at her. Stiffly Mitty nodded to the ryhdon, "Yes I just got here, my name's Mitty!"

The ryhdon's smile grew even wider. "I'm Rebecca, but call me Becky for short! I'm the mayor of town Nixx, have you already gotten yourself a home yet?" Mitty shook her head, she hadn't even thought about that!

Seeing Mitty's flustered expression Becky rumbled a loud laugh while shaking her hand in dismay. "That's fine, come on I'll help set you up, it's great having newcomers!" Mitty nervously nodded and followed the rhydon to what seemed like Becky's home, and also a café, but Mitty didn't question it.

Becky continued leading the mareep through her home/café until they reached her office. "Go ahead, take a seat!" The mareep accepted the offer, sitting down on the softened straw.

"Now, first of all what makes want to live in Nixx? Didn't you have a heard?" The ryhdon questioned tilting her head slightly. Mitty smiled and nodded, "Yes I did have a heard, but I wanted more adventure! I wanted to see and meet new pokemon instead of just mareeps, flaaffys, and ampharos'!" Mitty ranted out excitedly making Becky's loud laughter return.

"That's great! We obviously don't get to see much mareep in town, so this will be interesting!" Becky grinned, "Well I'll ca-"

Suddenly Becky was interrupted by a buizl entering the room. She was about to say something but then an aipom nuged her over. "BECKY, OPAL'S GONE, WE NEED A RESCUE TEAM PRONTO!" The aipom screamed in panic, dramatic tears pooring down his face.

Becky sweatdropped at the aipom's actions. "Iue, you ARE part of a rescue team!" She answered pointing one of her claws at his bandana and badge. The aipom looked down and he seemed to relax when he found his bandana and badge. "...Oh yeah!"

Mitty was confused, what were rescue teams? Then another pokemon came through the entrance again. It was the dewott she saw earlier, he had a bandana and badge like the aipom but he had a bag for what seemed was ment for holding items.

"So can we go find Opal then, Becky?" The dewott asked the rhydon seemed to have burn in anger. "OF COURSE, SHE IS YOUR TEAMMATE!" Becky yelled at the dewott. The dewott sweatdropped but seemed to just rubbed off her scolding, like nothing happened. "Okay, sheesh I was just asking." He mumbled quietly to himself. Then his eyes landed on Mitty, they widened in unbelief.

"WOAH IS THAT A MAREEP? I'VE NEVER SEEN ONE IN REAL LIFE BEFORE!" Mitty flinched at his shouting and slowly began to shrink when being noticed. His eyes began to sparkle in excitement as he hurried over to her. The aipom gaze landed on Mitty also and he followed the dewott's actions, staring at the mareep with star like eyes.

"What's your name? Were you in a herd before? Why did you leave? What are you doing here? Are you going to be on a rescue team?!" The dewott and aipom both continued to ask Mitty more questions, until Becky silenced them with answers. "Her name is Mitty. She was in a herd before. She left to see and meet new pokemon! And... I'm not sure if she's going to join a rescue team." Becky admitted rubbing the back of her neck.

"Well, actually I don't know what rescue teams are." Mitty sweatdropped, as everyone except the buizel gasped in shock. "WHAT?!"

"Well, of course she doesn't know, she's new here!" The buizel pointed out puffing her cheeks in annoyance. "In Nixx town we have lots of dangerous dungeons around and pokemon get lost in them, so we have rescue teams to help out!" The buizel explained smiling at Mitty. "I'm Amber by the way!"

"Oh yeah, we forgot to introduce ourselves! Well I'm Basil this is Iue, and Opal is a chingling in our team but she's not her! And we're... team blow out!" The two cheered making a pose as they finished.

Mitty blinked a few times before snorted quietly as she held in her laughter, she found the team name quite funny. "Well, it's nice to meet you Amber, Basil, and Iue!" Mitty smiled back at the three.

Becky cleared her throat to get Mitty's attention back. "Anyway, I'll call the timburrs and gurdurrs to come and fix up your house, but it'll take awhile so you'll have to stay with someone during the time!" Instantly Basil and Iue tried to convince stay at their hangout. "HEY, AREN'T YOU TWO SUPOSED TO BE SAVING OPAL!" Becky hissed at the two but they ignored her. "I think it's best for her to stay with me than you two!" Amber stated walking next to Mitty. "Sure, Amber!" Mitty agreed as Basil and Iue both pretended to be hurt and depressed at her decision.

Becky clapped her hands together happily. "Alright, it's settled then! Now everyone shoo and continue your business!"

Everyone left Becky's office and went with their buisness. "Hey, come one Mitty I'll show you around the town!" Amber insisted dragging Mitty deeper into the town.

* Hey I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! I'll to add more when I have time c: *

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