Brandon Rogers- Twin Coconuts (Jay)

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Hello Charmers! This one was requested by @in_love_with_obrien so I hope you enjoy! You're really sweet btw!

-Jay's POV-

Today me, Harrison, and Y/n were going to meet Brandon Rogers for the first time. I knew that Y/n was a fan of him so we decided to take her with us. I wanted to make her happy.

We decided to meet up at a small cafe. We got a small table for 4 people. She sat between me and Brandon, and across from Harrison.

We ordered our food and soon enough something seemed strange. Y/n wasn't talking to anyone but Brandon. I didn't like the way they looked at each other. I knew she was a loyal girlfriend and she probably wasn't flirting but something seemed different about him. He soon brought his hand to her face and gently pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Um...Brandon, she's Jay's girlfriend" Harrison chimed in, noticing my struggle to find words and the slight change in emotion I had.

"Really? I'm so sorry!" He said, clearly worried. 

"No hard feelings though." I said. I mean, he didn't know I had a girlfriend. He just thought we had brought along a friend who wanted to meet him.

I kissed Y/n's head and the day went on with no more problems.


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