how far will you go Part 2

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Wind was blowing. Clouds covered the sun. Rain feel from the crying clouds as a village burned to the ground. One man stood among the fire and rain staring, not moving anger fierce in his eyes he looked at the destruction he had caused and smiled. 

"i will have you yet.....U..c..h..i..h..a" the man growled to the wind hoping that it would carry out his wishes as he walked off into the fires.

(with the Uzumaki family)

Sasuke was at the moment packing the children's bags to they can go to their grand parents house really the only people who he truly trusted to keep the kids safe. He did notice that he was shaking until he felt arm pull hum up into a hard chest.

"hey......are you sure you want this?"Naruto said kissing the side of sasuke's head rubbing his husbands hands. Sasuke just stood there trying to calm himself down, he hated felling this way the only other time he felt this why was when he thought itachi was going to kill him when he was 12 and even then he hated it it made him feel useless and weak.

" i'm fine just.....ugh i don't know naruto..i truly don't...i thought all this was over after the third ninja war but......will we never just be happy....there is always something that puts us in danger now our kids" sasuke said turning around in Naruto's arms putting his arms around Naruto's waist and his head on his chest. 

" i know baby..i do... i don't want to leave them but if we just stay and do nothing he might come back and it might be worse next time...i will understand if you want to stay instead of letting them go to kakashi and iruka's" naruto hugged Sasuke tighter pulling him closer. Sasuke shook his head lifting it to look at naruto.

" no i'm going i..guess i'm getting the mommy separation  anxiety thing......*sigh*  i have never been away from them more then a day not even know how Kyo gets without me...i  just....i need to go i have to but my motherly side is screaming at me not to leave them, that they need me...that if i leave them they will think that i really left them alone ...ugh it's just my own head fighting with me" Sasuke sighed again closing his eyes. Naruto chuckled while shaking his head he pulled Sasuke's chin up and gave him a short loving kiss.

" oh they will be just fine with Kakashi and you know how much Kyo loves Iruka and besides this will help" naruto said rocking them a little. Sasuke gave him a confused look, "help with what?" 

"with weening Kyo off of breastfeeding" Naruto said smirking when sasuke blushed red, 

" what do you mean last night was the first time i feed him in a long time he has been using his cup more then drinking from me" sasuke defensively but blushed redder when Naruto laughed out loud.

" oh come on Sasuke to have to breastfeed him just to get him to sleep don't thing i haven't noticed how long you are in his room....the look on your face tells me everything...Kyo is almost  three he needs a little separation from you i know you don't like it but it's true" naruto kissed sasuke again letting him go and picked up both kids bags walking out into the living room smiling bright. sasuke growled hating that naruto was right, he just went and got their packs and walked out into to the living room to see team seven ready to go. Sasuke had almost forgot about them totally with all that has been going on they just faded into the background.

Sasuke smiled at itachi who was holding Kyo, the baby was looking around with his thumb in his mouth and Ai was clinging onto Kakashi with a big frown on her face. Naruto gave itachi Kyo's bag and gave Kakahsi Ai's bag then knelled down to AI's level.

"what no hug for daddy?" he asked knowing why the girl was mad, ai had gotten to the point in her young life when she knew things were bad but again she was just a 8 year old girl no matter how much power she had. she did not like it when daddy was go just like Kyo hated when sasuke left.

" i want to go with you!" Ai said jumping into naruto's arms hugging his neck tight, and he squeezed back.

" i know baby girl but you'll be with Dada  Kakashi and papa Iruka so you'll be safe and kyo is going with uncle itachi. me and mommy will be home as soon as we can ok?" naruto tried to get the girl to see reason but he wasn't just his daughter but sasuke's so she got her stubbornness from both sides.

" no i want to be with you and mommy" she stomped folding her arms and this is when sasuke step in because he knew naruto was having a hard time telling the girl no.

"Ai lilly Uzumaki..when have me or our father taken you on a mission you know better...i know you don't know what is going on but this behavior is uncalled for... now say bye the right way please" he said standing behind her. the little girls shoulders started to shake and sasuke was there in seconds picking her up holding her close.

" shhhh i know i do baby girl...we will be home soon i'll call every night before you go to bed" sasuke said with naruto behind him rubbing her back.

"promise?!" she said rubbing her eyes.

" we promise ok?" naruto said kissing her forehead she nodded when sasuke put her down. both parents went over to kyo hugging kissing him and the boy was fine until he saw his mommy pick up his pack and head to the door.

"WAAAAAA MOMMY!!!" the two year old yelled reaching for sasuke. Sasuke's face yelled that he wanted to run and get his son to make him feel better but Naruto just waved and pulled sasuke with him. Kyo screamed louder  trying to get out of itachi's arms but itachi just turned the boy into his shoulder rocking and patting his back.

"shhhhh mommy will be back its ok Kyo" Itachi was the only other person Kyo was really ok with partly because itachi looked kinda like the boy's mommy.....yes Kyo is a big mama's boy. 

(after a few hours of walking) 

sasuke got over the goodbyes but naruto could tell it was eating the man up every footstep they took away from konoha. naruto just grabbed sasuke's hand as they walked and let sasuke brood as much as he wanted. they walked a few more hours only stopping for a drink until small Naruto started to complain about his feet hurting....yes they followed great right!.

".....oooooo come on can we pleeeease stop for the night its pitch black out here and feet hurt and i'm hungryyyyyy!" small naruto whined as he slugged along behind them little sasuke and sakura just shook their head at his antics. older sasuke was seriously about to punch the shit out of this kids if he didn't shut up. older naruto just laughed he was getting a little hungry himself so decided to stop for the night. they found a nice spot under the moon and it was well hidden in the forest so they set up camp. Sasuke cooked this time just some simple soup he didn't feel like really cooking he just wanted to get this all over with so he can get back to his kids......lord when had he become like this....he really was a mother hen oh the horror!.

after they all ate they settled down on bed rolls and went to sleep, well the younger ones went to sleep but kakashi and the couple was still up. Kakashi doing his reading and naruto and sasuke just cuddling and talking on the phone with the kids telling them goodnight that they loved them. when the phone call was finished sasuke frowned even more folding his arms in front of his chest but sighed when naruto wrapped his arms around him.

"stop worrying they are fine" naruto said leaning back onto the tree behind them.

" i am not...." sasuke lied 

"yes your are that's what you do is worry"naruto said smirking.

"since when?!" sasuke said turning a little to see naruto.

" Since we had kids..hehehe i think it's cute just like you " Naruto whispered so Kakashi wouldn't hear.

"i'm not cute dobe" sasuke blushed

"yes you are...stop blushing before i make an excuse for us to go patrolling" naruto said his eyes turning deep blue with want.

"..P..perv...we are supposed to be on a mission" sasuke stuttered blushing redder.

" that hasn't stopped us before but i won't touch you......for now"  Naruto growled a bit kissing sasuke then giving his bottom lip a small nip making sasuke whimper.

"Hey if you two are going to do that please go somewhere else" Kakashi said not even looking up from his book making the couple blush red. 

(More Later)

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