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12 years later

The sound of children laughing could be heard through the house as Harry chased his daughters pretending to be a Beast. He finally caught the both of them in his arms and gently places them on the carpet in the living room and started to tickled the both of them. The girls let out loud laughs and squeals.

"Daddy stop! You're going to make me pee!" The oldest daughter, Darcy, spoke.

"Yeah daddy stop!" The youngest daughter, Isabella agreed.

Harry ignored them as he kept on tickling both of his girls. Harry was so blessed that his wife, Olivia, gave him such beautiful children. Darcy who is the oldest, at the age of five, had a mix of both Harry and Olivia's features. The only thing that was different was the fact that she had hazel eyes. Olivia thinks that it was from her side of the family since her grandmother had hazel eyes.

Isabella was the second oldest as she had just turned three back in October. She had more of Olivia's features with her dark black hair and tan skin. The only thing that was different was that she had Harry's vibrant green eyes. Knowing that both of his girls were going to be extremely beautiful women when they grow up, Harry become extremely protective of them. They were both going to be daddy's girls.

"What's going on in here." Olivia spoke as she enter the room the see what her husband was doing with their daughters.

As she stood near them, she had the youngest and the newest addition to the Styles family, little baby Edward. Olivia has him all wrapped up in her arms as he clung onto her neck. He was about to turn one next month. Edward had small chocolate brown curls on his head just like Harry did, and Olivia knew that he was going to end up looking like him  in the future. The only difference is that he had Olivia's brown eyes instead of Harry's green. Not only was Ed going to look like Harry he was also the biggest momma's boy just like Harry.

"Nothing, my love. We are just messing around." Harry spoke as he got up off the floor and over towards the both of them.

"Really because it looked like you were chasing the girls around pretending to be a Beast again."

Over the past decade things have become amazing for the both of them. After that night on the balcony when the curse was broken they both enjoyed the rest of prom together. Not even a month later Olivia was able to graduate high school and Harry had a little surprise for her as that night when they went out with all of thirst family and friends Harry proposed to her. It was the best night of her life.

The both got married within the next year and half not wanting to waste a moment without each other by their side. All the boys and the girls were there along with both Harry and Olivia's family. She got to meet his family for the first time and she become really close with them. Not long after they got married the boys got back together to do another album and a tour. Olivia got to put her skills to the test as she was able to right and produce a lot of the music on the album as well as the boys. She even got her own recording contract and got to make her own music.

The boys did break apart to do there own things but they are still close to one another and plan to get back with each other with the next year. Louis and Eleanor got married and have four children all boys, but they have one girl who is the youngest. Claire and Niall got married and just recently had their second child they welcomed this month, a baby girl named Annalise. Perrie and Zayn got married as well and have two twin girls as well as a whole bunch of animals. Perrie also decided to do music as well and formed a girl group know as Little Mix with Olivia's best friends Jade, Jesy, and Leigh-Ann. With Liam, he and Danielle ended up getting married and they have one son together, due to the fact that a complication went wrong and Danielle could only give birth to one child, they decided to adopt. They just welcomed a pair of twins a boy and a girl they just recently adopted from Italy. All has been well and the pair couldn't ask for anything better.

"Of course we were, love. Making sure we were getting our energy out before bedtime. Weren't we Eddie."

Baby Edward started to clap his hands and make happy gurgling noises and well as squeals. He gave a big toothless smile at his Daddy, as Harry smothered him in kisses.

"Alright it's time for bed everyone," Olivia announced as the girls went up starts in to their rooms.

Both Harry and Olivia sung all three of the children to sleep knowing that it become thirst thing instead of reading them a story. As they finished putting baby Edward down they shut his door gently and made thirst way downstairs to there bedroom. The pair both got into their bed, pulled the blankets up and over to them, and  cuddle close to one another.

"I love you so much and I always will to the end of time."

"I love you too Harry. Forever and always."

The pair sealed their love with a passionate kiss as they both fell asleep dreaming of one another.

"A tale as old as time. A song as old as rhyme. Beauty and the Beast." 

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