Chapter 13: Research on the Legend

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Olivia's POV

Ever since I had been told about the legend the night of the party and about the story of the witch I had been obssesing over it. For the past week I had spent my afternoons at the library doing some reasearch about it.

I hadn't really gotten much on Isabella at all. The only things that I had really gotten on her is what I already know so far. Which is that she is a witch and that she had put a curse on this Harry kid. So I was at square one with this whole Isabella thing.

One the other hand I have done some reasearch on vampires and if they exsit or not. All that really has come up was some stupid sites about fanclubs for Twilight or the Vampire Diaries. So bascially I just gave up on that whole thing and started to read instead.

I was reading Dracula by Bram Stroker. Yes I know that I have been obssesed over vampires for a few days but this book is acctually one of my favorite books of all time to read. I was right in the middle of a good part when someone put their hand on my shoulder.

I jumped but then I realized that it was Jade. (Picture of Jade on the side). I looked at her and said "Dame, Jade you scared me."

She smiled and said "I know I have gotten better at the sneaking up on you." I responded to her by saying "Yes you have and how did you know where I was."

 "I went by your house to see if you were home and your dad said that you were at the library doing some kind of reasearch on vampires. I see that it is going well.", she said as she pointed to my book.

I put it down and said "So you found me what is it that you need." She smiled and said "You have really been MIA lately and I was wondering if you would like to come over this afternoon and hang out."

I nodded my head and said "Alright I will. Also since you have me why don't we go right now."

She jumped up and down with excitement as we went out of the library to her car.

I was walking next to her when my eye caught a hole of something. I looked to my left and saw someone leaning against a car across the parking lot. But it wasn't just anybody it was the man that I saw from the woods.

My eyes went wide and my heart started to beat a thousand miles a minute. I saw him smile at me and then he started to walk over towards us.

Then out of nowhere a car passed by and just like that he was gone. I looked both ways and didn't see him anywhere. I guess it must have been my mind playing tricks on me.

I followed Jade to her car and got in. I didn't even know if that moment when I saw him was real or not. The only thing that I couldn't shake was that someone was watching me.

Harry's POV

It has been a whole week since that night when I met Olivia. Ever since then I have been watching her. I would follow her wherever she went without being seen. The only that I have told about this is Louis because he is the only one that I can trust about this.

I followed her to that library today and just sat outside waiting for her. I waited and waited until she finally came out. I saw her with one of her friends. She was listening to her talking and then she looked at my direction and saw me standing there.

I couldn't help but smile at her. She just did something to me that I couldn't explain. I watched as her expression changed to normal then to full of fear. I couldn't blame her because of that night and what she saw me do to that deer. She was scared of me.

I had to leave now that she saw me, and right at the perfect moment a car passed by a gave me the chance to get away.

I ran all the way to the woods. I stopped at a tree and sat down next to it. I just sat there thinking about her. I just couldn't get her out of my head. All I want for her to know is that I am watching over her and that I will protect her and keep her safe.

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