I have had many trials in my life. I have dealt with moving. I've dealt with loss. I've dealt with pain both mentally and physically. I've dealt with people around me losing their shit.
It's bad.
But, it's just bad. That's all it is. It just really really sucks. But, I can deal with really sucky things.
The reason I am actually going crazy is you. I can deal with everything else. I can't deal with you. You are against everything I am. You are a sand paper dildo.
I can deal with people. I am really good with people. People love me.
I can deal with situations I can't quite grasp.
I can not deal with you.
You see, there is no God that has a list of morals for his claymations to follow (Even if there was you've done a real bang up job of following those degrees). You see, you as a person make up your own standards and follow them. You decide what feels right and what feels wrong and you stick to it. Yeah. It might change slightly if you are on the look out for new information and are willing to upgrade your system.
You sir, are against my standards. I hold a high respect for people even when I can't stand them. You can't respect anyone even if you are best friends with them. You are difficult. There is no wiggle room. Everything bothers you. There are not enough hangers on the planet for the amount of hang ups you have.
As my parent you should value my laughter, but when I do laugh you ridicule me for being to loud because anything over a certain level of audibility bothers you.
Give me love will you?
Or a break at the very least?
You make me guilty for enjoying myself. When I bring people over to the house I am afraid you are going to harass them and I am going to loss another friend. I'm afraid that friend might be slightly too loud for your liking. I'm afraid you'll just be pissy and yell. I'm afraid of you. I shouldn't be afraid of you.
I'm cautious with what say around you because if I mention the wrong thing or the wrong person you'll get angry with me and hurt me. I'm cautious with what I say to you because you'll stir on that information until you get pissed and blow up on them. I can only be positive around you. I can never express my anger to you.
I'm not allowed to dislike anything that you like. I'm not allowed to say I dislike country music because you will yell, mean while you rip my aux cord out with out even hearing the beginning word of a song I like. All I do is listen to you talk about what you like and what you enjoy but what do I like? If someone asked you what is your daughters favorite color would you even know? Would you even know what I like? Or the better question is would you even care?
My main goal in life is to help people, while your main goal is to see how many people you can piss off.
We are on opposite ends of the spectrum and I can't wait until we are on opposite ends of the globe.
#Just write it
Non-FictionWattpad Has given the challenge for me to write over 10,000 words in the next 30 days. I'm taking the pledge. This space I am creating is going to be open for whatever I feel. I intend to fill this with anything my mind can make. No matter the feeli...