Twenty Three

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Twenty Three

IT was moonrise now, and I sat alone in the cabin of the ship as Ahmose spoke with the captain somewhere outside. The night had grown dreadfully cool, but the flames in the alabaster lamps were enough to keep the cabin warm.

I sat on the sofa and watched the dark river outside, casting reflections of the full moon that held dominion over the night. A soft knock came from the door, and Ahmose came inside. He had returned, and I was suddenly seized by dread.

He looked worn, with dark hollows beneath his eyes. He probably wanted to rest. Should I just leave? I shuffled uncomfortably beneath his gaze.

"You must be exhausted," I said, diverting his attention from me.

"I am," he agreed. "I've hardly slept for many nights now." You can't blame that on me, I thought scornfully.

"I should leave you to rest," I countered, and got up to leave.

"You don't have to go," he said and caught my hand. The instant his skin touched mine sent a familiar tremor of heat through my body. I wanted to pull away, but I was captured by the warmth in his touch.

"You need to rest," I started to protest.

Ahmose glanced at the one bed in the cabin, longing for sleep. But he hesitated to release my hand, as if he were afraid I would vanish.

"We will be in Giza tomorrow," he trailed off. He gazed so deeply into my eyes my cheeks began to feel hot. "Tonight is your final night in Egypt. I was hoping we could spend it together."

"Together?" I shot a panicked glare at the bed and wondered what he meant. The warmth in my hand quickly spread to the rest of my body. He must have sensed my apprehension, and his eyes followed mine to the bed. His expression changed, guessing my suspicions, and he appeared confused, or maybe even offended.

"You must be hungry. Will you have dinner with me?" He sat down on the sofa and offered me the space beside him. I glanced back at the bed and suddenly felt embarrassed for even thinking that.

I eased down next to him on the sofa, immediately sensing his warmth beside me, though we were not touching. Two servants came into the cabin, carrying platters. My thoughts drifted to Menefer. The servants left us, and we fell quiet as a hollow fissure grew in my chest.

I could see him in my periphery, watching me silently. When I glanced at him, he looked away. "Ahmose," I said, and he turned back to face me. "Why did you save me?" Maybe if I started conversation, he wouldn't seem so tense.

"I have been anxious," he murmured and lifted his head to look out the window. "Since you departed last eve, I have had an unsettling feeling. I was restless for much of the night, and when the morning finally dawned, a faint voice beckoned me to Karnak. I only became more unnerved as we neared port. And when I finally locked eyes with you in the crowd, an emotion I cannot put into words struck me. It wasn't painful, rather a throb, like numbed skin once it regains its responsiveness. I believe the closest word for it in your language is relief."

He looked at me and brought his knuckles to his chin as he leaned back against the pillow.

"I was relieved to see you. I never dreamed I would ever see you again. That is why I sped after you when the city exploded into an uproar. If not for my anxiety, I wouldn't have made it to Karnak in time." He paused, gazing at me for a long moment. "I do not understand what your connection to Thutmosis is, but whether by fate or something more, I am bonded to you."

"Ahmose," I breathed, but he interrupted me before I had I chance to speak.

"You must be starving," he said. He sat one of the platters in my lap and urged me to eat, though my exhaustion had left me without an appetite. I ate anyway. "I wanted to see you again before you left. I sent for you, but Iset said you refused to see me. I wouldn't have let you leave empty handed and alone. I would have given you an adequate amount of money to last you for a while, along with a guard to escort you in case you had trouble finding your way home. I wanted you to be safe. I would have taken you myself, if only you had waited."

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