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These are the rules of the game (anybody else see those clash of clans ads? If I get the game wrong I'm sorry I always skip it)

1. If you see a ship you hate, don't go commenting "This ship sucks I can't believe you actually ship this, I mean those two don't go with each other" this is a crack ship rp, meaning we just ship these ships for fun. Just go to another ship part, don't like any of them? Request a ship or GET OUT.

2. If you ship two people not just for fun and that ships in here, don't freak out. It's either my opinion or the person who suggested it. I will respect your opinion if you respect mine, it's like the golden rule our Teachers told us when we were in 1st grade.

3. Since wattpad is removing sexual roleplay books, I don't want every roleplay to have like 10 sex scenes within 5 minutes. I'm probably gonna delete your comment if you do try and do that. Also, don't you even think about commenting on a story part that's gonna lead to a sex scene right away, I'm just going to reply with "Sorry but please redo it. Don't start with a comment that leads to a sexy scene."

4. DO NOT control my character and I won't control yours. Ok? We good? Alright.

5. Please, please, please give me a form of your oc in comments or tell me what your ocs name is and tell me your oc is in your oc book. I will check and say accepted or its denied. If it's denied, I'll give you a reason (ether it's similar to an actual Naruto Character or you missed something).

Crack ship

Everybody understands the rules? Alright thanks.
Now look at the cute pic of ShikaHina

Now look at the cute pic of ShikaHina

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