Abusive Love (MadaIta)

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(Are you Madara or Itachi?)

Scenario: Ever since Madara and Itachi got together, they've been abusive to each other, hair yanking, punching, kicking, rape and whipping. You name any sort of abuse, they'd do abuse the other in that way. One day, Madara got hold of a little rumor of Itachi cheating on him with Kigame. This enraged Madara and he grabbed Itachi, throwing him into their master bedroom. "YOU'VE BEEN CHEATING ON ME?!" Madara yells. Itachi yelled back "MAYBE I WAS, MAYBE ITS BECAUSE YOU'RE A BITCH!" Madara's eye twitched and he grabbed the whip. What does Madara/Itachi do?

Itachi being abusive to Madara
(Itachi does physical abuse more then mental abuse)
(Itachi prefers punching, kicking and whipping but every once in a while he'll do rape)

Itachi being abusive to Madara (Itachi does physical abuse more then mental abuse)(Itachi prefers punching, kicking and whipping but every once in a while he'll do rape)

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Madara being abusive to Itachi
(Madara uses both mental and physical abuse equally)
(Madara prefers whipping, mental abuse and rape)

Madara being abusive to Itachi(Madara uses both mental and physical abuse equally)(Madara prefers whipping, mental abuse and rape)

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