Mr.Mistletoe (NaruIno)

586 7 11

Are you Naruto or Ino?

Scenario: It was Christmas and the snow was cold yet a beautiful pure white. The Konoha twelve were at Ino's (since she has the biggest house) and were having a Christmas party to celebrate, open presents and spread laughter. They had already played many games and even the Sand ninja came over to celebrate with them. Sakura had hung a mistletoe above the doorway between the living room and kitchen. Ino, being a good host, was handing out Christmas treats. As Ino was leaving the kitchen, Naruto was entering to help Ino. "Uh... Ino, before you go can we?" Naruto asks, nervously.

Sakura's outfit

Hinata's outfit

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Hinata's outfit

TenTen's outfit

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TenTen's outfit

TenTen's outfit

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Temari's outfit

The boys are just wearing cheap Christmas sweaters

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The boys are just wearing cheap Christmas sweaters.

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