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November  2019

Robert P.O.V

I entered the vip dining room at ritz and looked around to find my mates, which more like a family to me back to ten years ago. And there they're sitting and laughing together in the big square table near the window. I walked toward them with a big smile on my face, happy? of course.. because its been a while for us to meet again. Scared? i could say that too. You'll know why i'm scared. Because im just a coward. When i almost near their table, Kellan who just saw me quickly stood up from his chair with a wide smile "There he is!!! edward!" he shouted and make everyone turn their face to me.

Yes.. here I am, in the "twilight saga reunion"

I cant help but laughing and give him a manly hug "nice too meet you again buddy!" i said to him. "Hello ashley, how are you sis?" I smile then give her a hug. "so great here" she said happily. "well dont forget this sister ed" nikki says as she stood up from her chair and hug me. "of course no" i said as we pull off our body. "hello ian, nice to meet you" i greeted nikki's husband and shook his hand.

After kellan, ashley and nikki, I moved around to Peter, Elizabeth, Jackson, BooBoo, Michael, McKenzie and not to forget Stephanie and Catherine who sat in the corner of the table. "hello my boy, glad you make it" Steph said as she hugged me. "yeah.. i miss you anyway" I said to her and she smile. "Come on take your seat" Steph said again and i nod at her. "It seems only taylor and kristen that haven't show up" Jackson shout from accros the table. "hmm.. they dont promise they could make it though. Maybe we can just start to eat now?" Elizabeth added. I feel nervous and my jaw tense when i hear they're mentioning Kristen name. Of course, coming to this reunion it means that i have to be ready to see her again. Wasn't it also one of my reason to attend this reunion though? I took the glass of water and drink it to reduce my  nervousness.

I started to talk again with ashley and then move to stephanie to talk about our current project, our life and just some random celeb gossip. "i cant believe that at the end you have to broke up with her" She said as I gave a little smile on my lips then looked down. I dont know whether stephanie mentioning about me and kris or me and my previous fiancee. "do you mean my fiancee right?" i asked her. "of course it is. Did you think im talking about you and kristen?" steph furrowing her eyebrows and then i chuckle. "no.. i just want to make sure" "im sorry to hear that rob.." stephanie added. "that's okay. We just cant make it anymore. there's nothing to be blame. Its the best for us" i explain to her. "what about your latest movie? still filming? or its already wrapped?" she change the subject suddenly.

Perhaps she just noticed that im not really comfortable to talk about my love life anymore. Not because i hate it, but because im just trying to forget these past 3 months when the news about my break up spread everywhere. "hmm it's all wrapped. but we still reviewing it to see if there's any scene that we have to re-shoot" "Taylor!!!" suddenly ashley shouting taylor name and make me turn my head toward the door. "Surprise!!" taylor said as he move his body. suddenly a figure that i was looking for, appear from behind taylor.

"Kristen!!" ashley shouted even bigger as she stood up and run toward her. "kristen..kristen..kristen.." ashley shouted anda hug kristen tightly. "oh my god! you said you can not come" ashley added. "hey?? no hug for me??" Taylor said sarcastically. "No way.." Ashley giggled as she hug taylor "are you guys coming together?" ashley asked again. "no.. we just met at the lobby" taylor said as they're walking back toward our table.

My body stiff as i watched kristen and taylor start to greet and hug everyone around the table alternately. My heart thumping when Kristen hug stephanie beside me. will she notice me being here? or will she pretend that she didnt see me. "Hey man!" Taylor poke my shoulder and then hug me "Hey tay! doing good huh?" i asked him. "Sure.. thanks. You seems so" He said again as we parted our hug and then i smile "yeah.. seems so" i said Just before i realized that Kristen was already standing in front of me right now. Looking straightly to my face. I gulped and I feel there's something blocking my breath. Oh god! dont let me fainting in front of her.

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