A Party to Die for

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    Three months later,

        You are sat in the living room of your apartment, celebrating your twenty fourth birthday. You only invited two of your friends. They weren't your closet friends but it was the thought that counted. Apparently one of your friends Betsey decided to have her wedding anniversary on your birthday. How thoughtful, you thought sarcastically. The living room was decorated nicely but it was in your bedroom where the fun started. Wink, wink. (Don't ask how I came up with that description, you'll only blush) You and you friends are playing FNAF games and watching Disney movies on the side. Although your two so called friends are taking shots whenever they get jump scared. An array of junk food and alcohol litter the mahogany coffee table. You don't join in the drunk fun since you are not a heavy drinker. You thought about inviting your other friend, Mark but you realized that he might be busy. He did however send you a birthday text and gave a shoutout in one of his playthroughs. That was nice. You sigh heavily, getting bored. You look at the Hogwarts clock on the wall, it reads half past nine.

    "Hey, I'm just going on the balcony for a bit." You announce.

     "Sure. Here, Y/N, you need this." Shelly pours you a measure of vodka.

   "Thanks." You mumbled, taking the shot glass.

          You wouldn't drink it, you'd pour it into the first house plant you saw, killing it instantly. You rake your hands through you bushy mane. You push open the glass doors to the balcony. You can see the lights of downtown LA from your apartment.

    "This day is awful." You groan.

       Every night you'd have the variation of the same dream. War flashbacks, you called them. That dream usually consisted of that fateful night only you never woke up from your injury. You shake your head and rest your forehead on your arms. A flash of black eyes and a wicked smile flits through your mind.

     "My dear, you seem troubled." A lilting voice spoke.

     You leapt up as though scalded. Your eyes frantically scan the empty balcony. Where did that voice come from? You hear your friends yell from indoors.

      "Y/N, I think it's the pizza." Haley said.

            You grow a little excited and a slight blush races across your skin. You hope it's Jesse the pizza delivery boy you've been flirting with for the past month. Perhaps he might ask you out finally. You straighten your slytherin t-shirt and stride to the front door where there is frantic knocking.

   "Calm down, Y/N. It's just a guy. You've met them before in anime and real life." You mutter under your breath, giving yourself a little pep talk.

     You place a warm smile on your face and hope it's not a grimace. Music starts and you know your friends found your IPod nano. The first bars of "Cherry Bomb" start playing. You crack open the door and your smile drops to your toes. Outside the door stands Antisepticeye.

        "Hello, my dear." He smiles and flashes those wicked fangs.

              You thought about giving him the middle finger. But you didn't because you would use your words.

     "Leave." You growl.

          "Why? It sounds like the party's just started."

     Your eyes dart to Antisepticeyes feet where a scarlet puddle spreads. Behind him are the remains of a pizza delivery man. You breathe a sigh of relief, it's not Jesse but still.

        "Ah. Yes, that. Couldn't..."You shut him up with a slap.

               Antisepticeye eyes darken even more and his brow furrows.

               "Release Sean!" You hiss.


             "Can't or won't?"

       "Listen, my dear. Sean has taken a permanent dirt nap."

   You stumble back against the door frame.

      "No." You gasp.

     "Y/N! Stop flirting and bring pizza!" A drunk Shelly yells.

          His eyes latch onto the apartment behind you.

      "You don't mind, do you?"

          Antisepticeye tries to shove past you.

    "The hell I do." You try to sound like Erza.

        "Not going to happen, my dear. I need you and you need me." Antisepticeye bops you on the nose.

       He raises a hand and the door flies off its hinges with a bang. He then pushes past you into your apartment. Your friends look up confused.

     "You know, six months in a comatose state did wonders for my powers."

            You start to take a step towards Shelly and Haley.

       "Stop it..."

          You never got to finish your sentence because he flings out a palm and your friends hit the walls with a wet thump. Blood spatters everywhere immediately afterwards. You scream like a banshee and charge. You hit every area of his body but he doesn't flinch.

     "Darkiplier gave Mark a chance to forget that night! Sean was in a coma and you put him there! I cannot forget as much as I want to! Stop torturing me!" You roar.

      His fist connects with your head. You slump, sliding to the floor. He scoops up your body.

     "Such a nuisance." He sighs.

          He spins on one foot and vanishes in a puff of green and black smoke.

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