Markiplier the hero?

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     Marks POV,

      When I left the house late that evening, Chica refused to let me leave. She kept whining and pawing at me. I wondered why she was doing that. 

    "I'll be back later, I promise, pupper." I scratch behind her ear.

     She finally let me leave and I headed onwards to Y/N apartment block. I get out of the vehicle and shift the wrapped box with the envelope tapped on top to my hip. I walk in and head straight to the elevator. I tap the up button on the side and wait. I had been on Twitter since last night asking my fans and friends for birthday ideas. Half of my fans yelled and berated me when I said it was for a woman. I know, I know. The ladies can't resist my hot body. The other half suggested interesting things when I mentioned she was a fan girl and like books.

    The elevator dinged and opened. I stepped in and pushed fourteen. The elevator played classical music as I rode upwards. I hoped I wouldn't interrupt Y/N. I wondered what she was doing right now. The doors clattered open. I made my way steadily down the carpeted hallway. But when I turned the corner, I got a sight which chilled me to my bones. Y/Ns door looked like it had been crumpled by a truck and a dead guy lay in a vicious stain of red. Warning signs went off in my head. The box slipped from my grip to land in the puddle, splashing cold blood onto my sneakers. I did not notice it. I cautiously stepped into the apartment. Her friends lay against the copper streaked walls and a shattered bottle of vodka lay on the coffe table. I hurried across the room to check the bodies. One was still alive, although I didn't know how long for and the others neck lay at a funny angle. Oh, shit. This was bad. I shakily ran a hand through my hair.

     "Y/N!" I called, a little bit of panic creeping into my voice.

       No answer. I strode quickly out of the apartment. Where was she!? I had a sudden, horrifying thought. Antisepticeye. Then my vision went dark.

     "You called?" A familiar voice trilled.

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