All Good Things Must End

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Brock woke up at eleven to Brooklyn kissing his neck softly. He groaned and pulled her flush against his body. Brooklyn giggled as she laid on Brock's chest. They were both aware that the day was starting and that soon her brother would be looking for her; Neither of them cared though. Brooklyn sighed "We need to get up. It's getting late." Brock frowned "I dont' want you to go, especially after last night." Brooklyn felt her face get hot as memories flooded her mind. She sat up "I don't want to leave either, but we have to. I'll try to sneak back over tonight." Brock grinned "I can't wait." Brock could feel himself getting hard as he watched Brooklyn climb out of bed. She turned and grinned at him "Wanna join me for a shower?" Brock chuckled as he got out of bed and followed her "You read my mind, baby."

Brooklyn had called her brother and they had agreed to meet at the arena at one. Brooklyn couldn't help but dread seeing her brother, that meant she had to let Brock go. Which was something she wasn't very keen on. Never the less the love birds walked out of the hotel room feeling on top of the world. When they got into the elevator, Brock pushed Brooklyn against the wall and crashed his lips onto hers. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck as she let herself get lost in the sensations he created in her body. It was like Brock made her body and mind come alive, she was a live wire. When the elevator doors opened they pulled away and he took her hand in his. Brock was on cloud nine as he drove them to the arena. Brooklyns hand had rested on his thigh the entire ride, he couldn't believe that Brooklyn was his. He couldn't help but feel as if it was all a dream. 

At the arena they kissed one last time then went their seperate ways. Brooklyn walked towards catering and met a frantic Paul Levesque on the way. Brooklyn had known Paul since she was a teenager and her brother had started wrestling. She thought of Paul as a sort of father figure, he had always protected her and cared for her when her brother was to busy. Paul gripped Brooklyn's arm and pulled her to a empty interview room. She was confused "What the hell, Paul?" He held his iphone up to her face "You have ten seconds to explain this!" She felt her heart stop beohn ating, on Pauls phone was a picture of Brock and herself leaving the hotel, hand in hand. It was as if someone had kicked Brooklyn in the gut, she felt as if she couldn't breathe. Brooklyn finally found her voice "Where did that picture come from?" Paul's face was red "It's all over twitter! The real question is, why were you holding hands with Brock Lesnar?!" Brooklyn sighed "I...we..." She took a deep breath "Brock and I are dating, we have been for a month." Paul froze, time stopped, all Brooklyn could do was hold her breath. The bomb inside of Paul finally exploded "What?! You are dating him! The man that attacked your brother! What the hell are you thinking?" Brooklyn remained quiet as a tear rolled down her cheek "It just kind of happened, none of you know him like I do. He's different..." Paul rolled his eyes "I understand that you aren't interested in any of the other superstars, but him! I couldn't think of any one worse!! He's a fucking animal, he doesn't give a shit about anyone other then himself." Brooklyn glared at Paul "You are so wrong about him, he cares about me!" Paul sighed "One good fuck and a few pick up lines doesn't mean he cares about you!" Brooklyn couldn't believe what she was hearing, she stormed out of the room and ran down the hall as tears streamed down her face. She knew it was over, her brother knew, everyone knew. The past month had been perfect, now it was all crumbling around her. Brooklyn ran into someone and looked up to see her brother's face. John sighed "We need to talk." 

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