Chapter Five

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Breakfast~ 7.30 to 8.30

Leisure Time~ 7.30 to 9.30

Practice~ 9.35 ~ 13.30

Lunch~ 13.35

Practice~ 14.30 to 22.00

Dinner~ 23.00

Donghae gulped, nervously. He could feel the hot glare of Zhou Mi on the side of his face. He felt like he was going to faint without Eunhyuk there to protect them. Donghae turned to look at him and felt like his eyes had been burnt. Just then, Leeteuk walked into the room and said,

"Let's get started, shall we?"

Zhou Mi turned from Donghae and looked towards his hyung.

"I think our theme for the ballad should be about what Super Junior is going through. I don't think we should focus on love at all for this ballad, it needs to be about what we're experiencing so we can write it best."

Murmurs of agreement came up from everywhere in the room.

"Do you agree, Donghae?" asked Ryeowook. They needed an unanimous vote.

Donghae sat, silent, thinking about what Zhou Mi had suggested. He was scared to answer, if he agreed with Zhou Mi, he might think he was trying to suck up and if he disagreed, Zhou Mi might think he was trying to start a fight. "Wait a second", he said as he mused his decision.

"I do agree. I think that writing this song will help us to uncover why we're fighting and what everyone's feelings are. I also think that if its written sincere and well, it will touch the hearts of ourselves and of our listeners, Korean or foreign", Donghae said, finally, looking very thoughtful.

Zhou Mi snorted. Leeteuk gave him a disapproving glance and then said, "That's very insightful, Donghae. All in favor of using Zhou Mi's idea for the ballad, raise your hand?"

Every hand was raised and Leeteuk clapped. "All right, we'll use Zhou Mi's idea for our ballad. Does anyone have any ideas for the dance song?" asked Leeteuk, writing down Zhou Mi's idea next to BALLAD.

A couple ideas were tossed around. "Maybe this one could be about love?" suggested Ryeowook. "Nah, I think everyone's love lives are a bit messed up right now", said Shindong. Ryeowook nodded. "Not mine", he laughed. Shindong nodded.

"I guess relationships aren't messed up for those of us that are single but then are we even knowing about love, right now?" mused Kibum. Ryeowook twisted his lips in thought. "Yeah, so maybe unless all of us are in good relationships, we shouldn't sing about love."

"Okay, we'll save the dance song for later. The first two weeks will be dedicated to the ballad. If we finish before then, we'll start brainstorming for the dance song and recording. We'll only have two days of recording for the ballad so, we've got to get it right."

With the plans settled, Leeteuk instructed everyone to take a seat, spread across the room. They were in Leeteuk's room that he shared with Kangin. Team A and Team B would take turns using that room because it was the only soundproof room and it was farthest from the other rooms. No one was allowed in the halls during practices and no one was allowed in the leader's room after practices without their team leader present.

"I'm passing out notebooks and pens for each and every person. Write your name on the inside in Korean, Chinese, and English. If you don't know it in English, ask Kibum. If you don't know it in Chinese, ask ZhouMi. On the first page, I'd like each of you to write my name. Write at least a paragraph about what you think of me. Not what I portray myself as, not as the media sees me, not about what foods I like or what shows I like, but what type of person you think I am, if you respect me, if you like me. Once you're done, start a fresh page on another member. Do all members and even yourself if you want and once you're done, we'll move on from there depending on how much time it takes."

The room grew quiet as the working began. Some finished quickly, some took a long time. But, Leeteuk knew one thing for sure. His dongsaengs were definitely getting their feelings out. He saw Donghae's eyes water as he wrote. Zhou Mi's eyes flashed angrily as he wrote sharply in Chinese. Ryeowook's brow puckered as he wrote.

Authors Note: I need a cover for this, but I'm being lazy. I don't know when I'll upload one. Soon, hopefully. If I have time, I will go ahead and write out the notebooks of select members. This scene will make a lot more sense to you that way, I think. I think it'd be fun to write Kibum and Zhou Mi's. Here's the list of members to choose from. Please tweet, comment, or message me your vote. My Twitter account is @ilovesujugrawr








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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2011 ⏰

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