14 Facts About Myself!

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Tagged by Fan-Plays

So, this'll be fun!

1. I'm a scuba diver, and have been for a couple years! I've only ever had the chance to go on one dive trip though (the one I had to get certified on). I love water, so it was amazing! I saw a shark ^-^

2. I LOVE soft things! I lose all self control around fluffy pet-able objects! I found this semi-grown dandelion in my yard and I kid you not I carried it around with my for twenty minutes petting it:

 I LOVE soft things! I lose all self control around fluffy pet-able objects! I found this semi-grown dandelion in my yard and I kid you not I carried it around with my for twenty minutes petting it:

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3. As you probably could guess by my bracelet, but my home town is Boston! It's especially nice because it meant Pax East was so close to me ^-^

...I'm going to college out of state though so next year will be a longer drive.

4. Jin knows about my celebrity crush on him. HELP MEEEEEEeeeeeee!!! >.<

5. Art and stories you see publicly here are only a fraction of what I've done. A majority of my pieces are either scrapped entirely or left unpublished.

6. I have attention deficit disorder, and have diagnosed with  it since I was eight years old. That, and I have a language waiver and time-and-a-half on tests, which I need because of my learning differences... You all who don't need that sort of stuff: you're lucky ^^;

7. I have this saved on my phone as a reaction image:

 I have this saved on my phone as a reaction image:

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7.5: I have way too many pictures of Jin saved to my phone.

Way to many...

I have a photo album on my phone entirely dedicated to him...

*Swan dives into a dumpster and becomes one with the trash*

8. I have my own nemuneko (like what Muffin is)! Her name is Cupcake and I sleep with her every night :3

 I have my own nemuneko (like what Muffin is)! Her name is Cupcake and I sleep with her every night :3

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9. I'm an incredibly heavy sleeper. When I was little a smoke alarm went off 5 feet above my head and I didn't even wake up.

10. I love water! Rivers, oceans, and rain always put me at ease, and I'm that type of person who sits outside in a rainstorm with snacks and a big grin on my face.

11. The first fanfiction I ever wrote and published was a Percy Jackson two-shot on fanfiction.net. For people who have read that series, it was the Mt. Saint Helens scene from Annabeth's POV... It's still up there come to think of it... I wrote it so long ago xD

12. I had a kid in fifth grade go a whole year believing I couldn't speak because I was so shy. When he saw me talking with my friends during recess and went, "Sabrina I didn't know you talked!" I just replied "I do talk, just not to you." ...Sometimes I wish I was still as savage as I was back then xD

13. I've moved around a lot throughout my childhood, and I've never lived in one place for more than five years. Actually, there were movers in my house today packing stuff because WE'RE MOVING AGAIN! xD

14. I have soooooo many stuffed animals! You could easily fill a bath tub with the amount of plushies I have, and the collection is still growing! My latest addition was when I just strutted into Build-a-Bear and stuffed a green dragon I named Griffin... Yes I am 18. No, I don't care xD

Anyway, I had fun doing this tag! I choose to tag:
XxRedneyShipperxX (reveeeeeenge ;) )

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