PART THREE - The Recovery

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Jonah was aching all over. His arms felt restricted and his head was spinning even though he didn't think he was moving. Slowly, he tried to open his left eye but snapped it shut a second later as harsh white light filled his vision. After waiting a few minuets, he tried again and the world around him began to swim into confused focus. To begin with, he wasn't sure where he was but soon the memories came flooding back and even through all the pain his body was dealing with, he was worried about was Georgia. Georgia the girl he met on a train. Georgia the famous, house hold name that Jonah had loved for years.

A nurse popped her head around the door. He greeted her with a half-hearted smile as she took his vitals and asked how he was feel. The questions too were answered half heartedly. As she was leaving she ask Jonah if there was anything she could get him and Jonah took his chance.

"Has a Georgia Wing been admitted here? She should have come in at about the same time I was?". The nurse look upwards as if thinking, her brow furrowed. Jonah could visibly see her brain turning. "Yes, I think she was. Oh yes, I remember now. From the same incident as you. Had a bad time of it - severely dehydrated when she came in, also had a ton of bruises on her. I think she's on this floor. Room 31 if you want to see her. Apparently, she was the reason for the attack, some looney going after her. The gang is already under arrest if that makes you feel better?" she replied with a small smile before leaving as fast as she could, wanting to leave the uncomfortable atmosphere that he landed in the room.

Bruises? What? There wasn't a fight or anything... Jonah was with her the whole time. Had the bomb gone off so near her that the debris had hit her? No, it was in a different - a very near by - but different carriage and why was a gang after her? She was incredibly famous but surely this was a bit extreme?

Utterly confused, Jonah climbed out of his bed, taking his time as the world had began to spin as soon as he moved. He pulled his pair of shoes and his hoodie on and soon he was walking along the corridor looking for room 31, pulling along the drip that was attached to his arm. Luckily, it didn't take him long to find. 

Looking in though the small window on the wooden door, Jonah could see a sleeping Georgia on the bed. Carefully, he pushed the door open. Close up, Georgia looked a mess and Jonah couldn't work out why... she had looked fine on the train. Looking now, he noticed that Georgia's arm really were covered in bruises in her short sleeved hospital gown, but they weren't fresh, they may have been from days if not weeks ago.

Sitting down next to the bed, Jonah lifted his hand and moved a bit of Georgia's fringe into place. Georgia's eye lids flicker open to show her dark brown iris' beneath them. Jonah noticed her eyes focus and the look of recognition move over her face as her mouth broke out into a smile. "Jonah! You're here!" Georgia began to say before spluttering and breaking into a coughing fit. Hurriedly, Jonah passed her the cup of water that was on the bed side table and Georgia accepted it happily. When she had regain her breath, she continued "I was worried that you had been taken somewhere else. Are you alright?" Jonah smiled. "Nope. Here I am. I'm fine. A bit achey but I can't complain, it's you I'm more worried about! You are covered in bruises... What happened?"

Georgia looked down at her lap, a vaguely guilty look on her face "It, it's nothing" her smile was the most obviously faked smile Jonah had ever seen in his life.

"Don't give me that! Tell me what's wrong." Jonah replied. Georgia kept looking down without a reply. The look of fear on her face gave her away. "You didn't get them on the train did you? You had already been hurt when you got on." Jonah said, realisation washing over him. "Georgia? Who did this to you?"

Georgia tried to hold it in, but once one tear had fallen the others soon followed. 'I can't tell you... It will make it worse." she sniffed, her voice too calm. She desperately wanted to tell Jonah, to tell anyone so that the burden wouldn't feel quite so heavy on her shoulders.

"Hey calm down love. It's going to be okay. Nobody will know if you tell me. I won't tell a soul. Trust me." Jonah said softly trying to relax Georgia, unfortunately to no avail.

"You don't get it." Georgia exploded. "I can't tell you because he will find out and it will be the end of me! I can't..." she practically sobbed.

"Shhh. Fine, it's okay. You don't have to tell me anything. Just calm down. I'll wait here with you. Relax the best you can." Jonah cooed. He realised how awful it was to see Georgia this unhappy. He carefully grabbed her hand and brushed his thumb over Georgia's knuckles. He could feel Georgia shaking so he moved closer until he was sitting on the side of her hospital bed. He then moved his arm up around her, bringing her into his side.

The situation gave Jonah de-ja-vu.

"I'm sorry. Why is it that I always cry when I'm with you?" was Georgia's teary response. "It's being sorted... the bruises. My ex — he's messed up, angry. You get the picture. Between the trauma of the last day and everything else— I don't know, I keep loosing it. For so long he said he was going to ruin me... I keep forgetting that everything is over. I didn't want to loose my dream so..." she said, tears flowing freely.

At the mention of a lunatic ex everything began to add up.

"Hey, it's alright. I think everyone is impressed that we're still standing, so, I think loosing it a little bit every now and then isn't going to worry anyone too much" Jonah laughed. "And this guy? Your ex? He's not bothering you anymore is he?" he continued, expression turning stormy.

"No, he's out of the picture. That's one of the reasons I was going London to begin with. Getting away. It went on way too long, I thought I deserved everything because I was away too much" she replied breathing deeply, being careful to choose the right words as she spoke.

Looking up she saw Jonah's kind eyes. "Well, maybe we could enjoy London together?" he said.


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