Chapter 14

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Madison has moved to England to be closer to her dying Grandad. I finally asked her how she got my address. Turns out she got it from Penny and Beth.

I sit down on my bed. Rubbing my huge stomach.

"Come on baby, why don't you want to come out?" I ask. Being 2 days over due is annoying as hell.

"Mamrie, can you help me up?" I shout from my bedroom. I ask Mamrie cuz mom is sorting out Everley and Hannah is out.

"I'm coming. What do you need help with?" Mamrie asks, leaning on my door.

"Can I talk to you alone?" I ask Mamrie.

"Yep, sure. Now what's wrong with my little bean?" Mamrie asks sitting next to me on my bed.

"I'm scared. I don't want the baby. I'm 15, I should be out with my friends. Getting drunk, having one night stands. With protection. Should be having my first proper relationship. My life is going to be so fucked up, with this baby. I think I am going to put it up for adoption. I want a normal life. I just want to be normal again."  I sob, pouring my heart to Mamrie who has now hugging me tight.
"If that is what you want to do, then we will be by your side through you it all." Mamrie says, wiping away my tears.

" Mamrie. Can you help me get down the stairs. Please!" I ask, giving her puppy eyes.

"Agh. Sure, you now. I think you need to sleep on the sofa bed for now. Just until the baby comes." Mamrie says, helping me up then helping me down stairs.

"Ok yeah sure. Actually then I would have the downstairs toilet, for when it sits on my bladder." I laugh sitting on the sofa.

Me and Mamrie laugh for ages after. As I laugh I feel myself pee. This was normal for me, it's not the first time I have peed myself laughing.

"Mamrie. Mamrie, I think, u me laughing. I think my waters have just broken." I say, wincing in pain. Mamrie stands up from the sofa in panic.

"Grace! Grace! Grace get in here!" Mamrie shouts.

Mom runs in with Eve on her hip and looks straight to me.

"Mamrie take Eve, get a babysitter for her then come straight to the hospital. I will call Hannah on the way." Mom explains, passing Eve to Mamrie.

"Mom, mom I'm scared. I don't want a baby." I sob, in pain.

"I know baby, Come on let's get you to the car. Mamrie and Hannah will meet us at the hospital." Mom says helping me to walk into the car while grabbing the hospital.

"Mamrie, use my phone it's on my bedside table. Call Maddi." I sigh, making my way out of the house to the car.

Mom straps me into the car, then quickly rushes around to the drivers seat.

"Mom it hurts." I sob, moaning in pain.

"I know. I know Hatty. We will get you to the hospital as soon as we can." Mom says, calling me Hatty.

"You haven't called me Hatty in ages." I cry.

19 minutes into driving.

"Why have we stopped?" I ask.

"There has been an accident. A car crash, traffic. We are only 10 minutes away from the hospital." Mom explains.

"Well. You need to pull over. The baby is coming now. Get some help." I scream.

"Can't you keep it in till we get there?" Mom ask. She looks over to then I give her an angry look.

Mom pulls the car over in a lay by. Mom manages to wave down a car.

"Right the baby is coming but Hartley. I am gonna run down to the car crash site and go and get a nurse from an ambulance. It's literally there." Mom panics.

I look over to see the ambulance in sight.

"Ok, hurry hurry." I moan, as these strangers look after me.

A few seconds later I see mom running with a nurse and a first aid kit.

"So then honey. Can you tell me your name?" The nurse asks.

"This is no time for a fucking meet  and greet." I say grinding my teeth.

"Oi, enough of the language. She is trying to help you. Her name is Hartley." Mom spits.

"Ok so Hartley you are 9cm dilated, this baby is coming now." The nurse explains.

"Come on we need to bring her into the back." Mom says. So Mom and the Nurse help me into the back where there is more space.

"You ready to have a baby?" The nurse asks.


"Right. Hartley I need you to start pushing." The nurses says. I obey her orders and start pushing.

"Mom, I can't do this." I sob.

"Hatty. Hatty baby you can." lol says encouraging me.

"I am putting it up for adoption." I sigh.

I push one more time, when I hear the baby's screams.

"Hold the baby!" Nurse says.

"No. I don't want to see it." I say.

"Ok. Mom take the baby. Just while I deliver the placenta." The nurse says passing mom, my son or daughter.

"What do I have?" I ask.

"A little boy Hatty. You've got a son." Mom cries.

"Your not putting him up for adoption Hartley!" Mom exclaims.

"It's not your decision. I can't do this mom. I want to be a normal. I don't want to be a stupid teen mom. I want to be able to go out. Get drunk, have my first proper relationship. I want to be normal mom. How can I be normal with a baby? Anyway the kid will have a better life, without me. So no I won't be keeping him and I will be putting him up for adoption. That is final!" I sob, knowing this is the best thing for my son.

"Ok. If that is how you feel fine. I respect your choices. I'm sorry. I love you Hatty." Mom cries bringing me into an embrace.

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