Chapter 25

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Grace's P.O.V

"Hartley See." I say into the intercom. The door buzzes and opens for Hannah and I.
The doctor leads us to Hartley's room.

"Hey baby. How are you?" I ask, placing Eve on the floor with a few toys we have brung. Hannah and I both perch on the end of the bed.

"I've been better. When can I come home?" She asks.

"Soon baby soon, as soon as your better." I explain.

"I am better. I just want my bed." She says, starting to sob.

"I know, but we visit you every day don't we."

"We still love you the same Hartley." Hannah says, kissing her on the head.
We continue to talk for three hours till it's time to leave.

"I love you baby, be good." I say, kissing her and then leaving. Hannah has got Eve. Before we leave the hospital completely we visit Mamrie. Her still body, breathing slowly.

"How is she doing?" I ask.

"She is defiantly getting better. She should be awake within the next two months, if she keeps responding to the medication.

"Thank you. We love you Mamrie." Hannah says, kissing her then leaving. I copy and Hannah and follow her out of the room. We leave the hospital and Hannah drives us back to our house.

My eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing when we arrived. I thought I was just seeing things as I was tired. So I took Eve's car seat out and carried it to the front door.

Where he stood.

"Grace?" He asks, as he turns around, seeing me place her car set on the ground. He runs up to me and brings me into an embrace. I wait for a second, to see if he tries to hurt me before breaking down and wrapping myself around him tightly.

"Chester." I cried as he realises himself and walks towards Eve. He undoes the car seat and picks her up. She tenses and starts crying, and straight away Chester starts singing Hartley's lullaby which quickly sends her to sleep. "She's beautiful."

"She really is." I reply, opening the door, letting him in then I catch up with Hannah. Grabbing the car seat, Hannah speaks.

"I can't believe he would come here."

"I know, but to be honest I am quite relieved. I just want someone to hold me. He can do that." I explain, walking into the house and seeing Chester place Eve into the downstairs travel cot.

"I love her so much already." Chester smiles before walking towards me.

"Stay away from her." Hannah says stepping in front of me trying to defend me.

"It's ok, really." I exclaim, as Hannah goes into the kitchen and starts on the dinner.

"Grace. I've really missed you. I was so worried about you. Where's Hartley?" He questions.

"Oh. She's Ina dark place at the moment."

"What has she gone Emo or something?" Chester laughs, which makes me laugh. Something I haven't done in a while.

"No. She's in the hospital. In the mental ward. She has post-partum psychosis." I explain, as we sit down on the sofa.

"Oh. Can I go see her?"

"Maybe tomorrow, visiting hours are over." I explain. "But you can stay and have dinner with us...maybe watch a movie."

"I would love to." He says.

"What would you like to watch?" I ask, getting off the sofa and turning the DVD player on.

"Anything you want." He replies.

"Love Actually?" I ask, not wanting to annoy him.

"Sure." He answers. I place the DVD in, grab the remote and go back and cuddle into him. I play the movie once it goes onto the DVD menu.

Ten minutes into the movie, my eyes began to become droopy. Till it all went black.

I wake up to Chester seeing on the opposite sofa, feeding Eve.


"Hey babe, dinner is ready, I'm just feed her then I can put her in her travel coat with toys so we can eat in peace." He explains.

"Thank you. I say, stretching and yawning at the same time. I sit and watch Chester till he was done. We both then move to the kitchen where all three of us sit around the table and eat.

"Where is Mamrie?" He questions.

"Um. That's what I was scared about. We got in a car crash, a few weeks ago. And she is in a coma." I explain.

"Oh, I'm sorry. She will pull through." Chester smilies, before placing the fork back into his mouth.

Hannah washed up after we were done as she offered.

"You wanna help me bathe Eve?" I ask Chester.

"Yeah sure." He replies, picking Eve up from the cot and carrying her upstairs. Hannah grabs my arm before I walked up the stairs.

"Shout if you need me"

"I don't think I will need to. I honestly think he has changed." I reply, before breaking out of her reach and making my way upstairs. Me and Chester tackle getting Eve in the bath and back into her Pj's before getting her into bed. I stand in the doorway, watching Chester sing her to sleep.

"Do you want to stay the night?" I ask, noticing that it was late already, around ten at night.

"If that's alright with you." He says.

"Yeah, my bedroom is just next door. So go get yourself ready and I will just go and say goodnight to Hannah." I explain.

"Ok, this one?"

"Yep. See you in a second." I say, as I walk down the stairs towards Hannah.

"Night Hannah." I say, hugging her.

"Night Grace. I'm not going to get involved but make sure your safe. Im only next door ok." She says, breaking the embrace. I make my way upstairs and find Chester just in his boxers brushing his teeth. I take off my clothes and get into bed in just my bra and pants.

"I've really missed you Grace." Chester sighs, kissing my neck and cuddling in with me.

"I've missed you too." I say, turning around to meet face to face. I lean in and our lips touch and before we know it, I was on top of him completely naked.

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