The So called "Great" Surprise

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Chapter 2
It is now April 18th. Yesterday my father told me that today I was going to have to see my surprise by dinner time.

I wasn't really sure how I felt about this sudden surprise since my father was more happy and  nervous about it than me.

The only time my father is happy about surprising me with gifts is if it's a new cell, jewlry, or taking me out to a very fancy restaurant for my birthday. But he's never been nervous.

It was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and since it felt like there wasn't much time for me to do basically anything; I decided to clean the whole house. Yeah I said "the whole house".

I vaccumed, whipped down everything that's glass and/ or wood, cleaned every room in the house, and I also made dinner since I thought it would be good to test my cooking skills.

It was now about 7pm and after working my butt off I had decided to call my BFF Alya.

"Hey Alya guess what!"


"Today is the day I get my surprise! But I'm really worried."

"Don't be... your father just wants to give something to you."

"Yeah but at dinner time?! He never gives me a gift at dinner time! And today he was super nervous. Since when does my father get nervous about giving me a gift?"

"Well... if he is introducing you to someone it might be a boy. He might have a boyfriend for you."

"Yeah right! If he wanted to introduce me to a boy he would have us meet up at a restaurant not at our home."

"Sorry gurl. I don't know what to say."

"Yeah neither do I."


"Hang on Alya someone is at the door."

I got up from my bed and went down stairs. As I walked up to the door my father spotted me and told me to stop. I asked him why he didn't want me to open the door, but all he said was, "put on a proper dress... something fancy but not too fancy."

I nodded my head and ran back up the stairs to change clothes. I had almost forgotten that Alya was still on the phone. I told her I had to go; she understood and so she hung up.

I decided to wear my yellow flower dress with a pink headband and my pink flippflops (since I was inside my own home). I brushed my long brown hair and wore some clear lipgloss.

After fixing myself up I had gone back down stairs to see who was here. I was so confused as into why my father was dressed so sharp, why I had to dress so fancy, why whoever was at my door here, and lastly what was going to happened.

I had the emotions of nervousness, confusion, and curiosity swirling inside my head like bees in a nest.

I rushed back down the stairs and walked into the kitchen to see two girls my age or older and a women who's proably a year or two younger than my father.

"Oh hey sweetie come sit down," my father said.

The tall women, about the same height as my dad,  wore a silk red dress with some pearled jewlry. She also had blonde grayish hair that matched her blueish gray eyes.

Sitting across from her was a young girl around my age or older. She had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked like one of those girls who would do anything to look like a popular dumb blonde.

There was another girl who looked older than me at the table. She sat right next to the women. She had black hair with a grey strip on the side. Her eyes looked really glassy; similar to a doll's eyes. Her eyes looked just like the women's but more grey.

I looked at each of the girls with a surprised shocked look. My father motioned for me to sit right next to him. So not only did I have to sit next to my dad, but I hat to sit next to the mysterious blonde lady. But I stood standing because I was basically frozen with confusion.

"Lucinda dear, I would like you to meet my girlfriend and her daughters."

As soon as I heard those first ten words I had panicked inside my head. I was begining to congratulate myself for feeling nervous about my surprise because I knew something wasn't right.

"Uh..." I was speachless.

The women had now gotten up and hugged me like I was one of her own.

"Well hello dear. I have heard so much about you from your father, Lucinda was it? My name is Sarah Palin, but you can call me Mrs. S."

I couldn't say anything; all I could do was smile. After that hug Mrs. Sahara had told her girls to get up and introduce themselves.

"Hi my name is Daphne Palin, but my friends call me D.P. it's so nice to meet you in person." The blonde girl and I shook hand.

"Hello, my name is Livia but I like to called Liv cuz it's shorter so yeah. Nice to meet you too or watever."

The girl didn't shake my hand or anything; she just sat back down. I felt so shy that I started to walk over to the table like a robot.

We sat at the table and ate the food I had prepared earlier in the evening. The room was silent and nothing interesting happened. We all just ate and talked about ourselves to get to know each other better.

It was getting very dark out and the time on the clock said it is 9pm. My father had walked the girls and the women to their car. I just stood at the door until the car was out of sight.

Once they were completely gone I didn't hesitate to spill my emotions like a waterfall.

"Dad who was that?!"

"Like I said she's my girlfriend and those are her daughters. I wanted them to come over."

"Come over for dinner?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well that... and I wanted them to get use to the house."

"Why?" I asked with a hint of fear.

"Well because when I leave for DC Mrs. Palin and the Palin girls will be staying here to keep you company."

"STAY HERE?!" I shouted. "But dad you'll only be in DC for two weeks, and besides I could've just stay over Alya's."

"Nope... and besides... I trust Mrs. Palin better then Alya's parents; no offense sweetie."

"None taken," I said in a cold sarcastic tone. "So basically you can't trust a 15 year old to stay home by herself while her dad is in another country?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying!"

"But dad... just because you know and love Miss Sarah doesn't mean she has to be my babysitter... plus I just met her so how am I suppose to feel comfortable around her if I barely know her?"

"Look sweetie I know you don't like this arrangement, but we won't decuss this any further. Now she will be here in this house, you will do what she tells you to do, and you won't complain about anything else do I make myself clear?"

I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs. I heard my father calling my name but I didn't feel like being bothered. It wasn't fair to have something like this happen.... it just wasn't.

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