Day one of my nightmare

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Chapter 3

Yesterday my dad had left for DC; leaving me behind with his girlfriend, Sahara, and her daughters, Livia and Daphne.

I was still asleep since I didn't go to bed until 5 o'clock in the morning. As soon as I got back home I just plopped myself on my bed.

I was peacefully sleeping until I heard someone banging on my door.


"Hello, Lucy? Are you awake?"

I growled softly and slowly got up out of bed while someone was still pounding on my door. I opened the door to see Daphne dressed in a gold top and black skirt with color coordinate jewlry.

"Uh... why are you up?" I asked.

"Why are you sleeping?" She shot back.

"Okay I don't know if your just rude or if I heard you wrong?"

"No you heard me correctly sweetie... now-"

"Hold up... did you just call me sweetie?!" I challenged.

"Yes I did... now anyways for breakfast I want a low fat strawberry Frappuccino with extra whip cream and some Pinapple pancakes with unsweetened syrup."

I kept blinking my eyes and stared at the girl as if she was crazy.

"Um... excuse me but I'm not a chef and my kitchen is not a restaurant."

"Well both of those are now," the girl giggles as she skipped away.

"Seriously?" I muttered.

I had gone back to my bed to try to sleep without being bothered, but that didn't happen.


I had gotten up again to open my door; this time it was Livia. To me Livia is like a pretty girl version of an emo teen. But for some reason she acted like a princess.

"Uh yeah I want you to go down stairs and make me some sunny side up eggs with a sprinkle of mint leafs and some non fatning soy milk," she said with that emo look.

At this point I was getting really frustrated; and it's early in the morning!

"Look like I told your sister, I'm not a chef and my house is not a personal hotel for you."

I slammed the door only a bit less harsh. I flopped down on my bed again and something in me just told me that maybe I should just watch some tv or read a book because I knew that sooner or later Miss Palin would come knocking on my door. And I was right.


I let a frustrating sigh escape my lips; I jumped up off my bed then opened my door. And of course you can guess who was at my door... well almost correct.

"Lucinda I have heard from my beloved girls that you are not doing what you are told," Miss Palin stated.


"Listen your father told me that if I were to look after you that you need to do as I say.

I looked at the sisters who were making childish faces. I then looked back at Miss Plain who was glaring at me this time.

"Look I'm sorry, but if your girls really want to eat some fancy shmancy breakfast then they need to go to a resturant because like I said... I'm not a chef."

I tried to close my door without being rude, but Miss Palin made sure it didn't close what so ever. I sighed again and looked at the lady with a "please leave me alone" look.

"Well if you don't do what I say I guess I can call your father and tell him how unsupportive you are. Not to mention you're having an attitude towards an adult so I can tell him that as well."

The lady glared at me like she knew she was right and that I would suddenly give in to her low life blackmail.

I was so angry at my father for one: leaving me with this horrible family, and two: thinks I'm still his little baby girl.

So at this point I didn't care about my father's opinion.

"Go ahead," a dared. "It does seem kind of stupid though because my father knows I can't cook at all," I lied for the sake of my sanity. "Unless you count heating up frozen dinner as cooking."

"Fine then your just going to have to drive us to a resturant," the emo girl said.

"She can't. She's only 15. We'd have to wait a complete year until she can drive."

"Well find a way girls. And Miss Lucinda. Since you refuse to obey me, back talked me, and threatened my girls I will have no other reason but to punish you."

"What you going to do? Ground me?" I laughed inside.

"No. From now on you are my personal maid. And if you refuse to obey me... well I have ways to get your father to agree."

I knew what she was doing. She was going to convince my father that I was a terrible host so when he comes home I'll be in so much trouble. And trust me... my father can punish people like there's no tomorrow. And I'm not just saying this because he's a lawyer!

Feeling anger I realized I had no choice but to do as these girls said. But if they asked me to do the impossible there was no way I was going to do it.

"Fine, but it looks like we're going to have to take the bus."

"The bus! Ew!" The Daphne sqeeled.

"Oh heavens no... the bus is a filthy place. I'll drive us to the best resturant there is. Get dressed Lucy!" Miss Palin said as she left with a huff.

"I hate you dad!" I said under my breath.

Since my dream in life is to become a designer I have trained myself to create clothing that girls from all around the world would want.

I wore my hand made emoji crop top with my golden shorts and my white converse shoes. I put my hair in an mermaid fishtail braid with some pearl earings and a yellow head band.

"LUCINDA!" Miss Palin called for me. "Come on we don't have all day!"

"And yet you have time to be a brat about everything?" I muttered under my breath.

In a flash I was properly dressed, cleaned, and prepared for today. The only thing I wasn't prepared for was to be seen in a huge pink car with the words "Palin" on the hood in gold. This was like a human sized barbie doll car.

"What... the..." my jaw dropped just looking at how pink that car was.

"Uh I know darling. Isn't she beautiful?"

"As beautiful as a melting barbie doll who threw up on this car," I cooed.

"Don't be shy and get in!" Liv said with her patience clearly wearing thin.

I gulped down all courage into my throat and went to sit on the back seat. Miss Palin put the car in reverse and out we were driving to a resturant I didn't know and in a car I wouldn't want to be in anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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