His girl.

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I was training to be a runner. I was the only girl in the glade and had only been there for about 3 months. The others had been there about a year. I had been training with a runner, Newt. He was so cute and sweet and happy. But today was different, he wasn't happy. Something was wrong.
I liked Newt. I wanted him happy but I didn't know what to do or what to say, so I pretended nothing was wrong.
We ran into the maze side be side but I eventually distanced slightly behind him. We turned left then right and right again. Eventually we took a left turn, I followed him a few seconds behind turning the corner but when I rounded the corner there was no Newt to be found. "Newt?" I said under my breathe. I looked around then my eyes wondered up one of the ivy covered walls. Up one of the walls I spotted Newt climbing the ivy.
"Newt!" You called to him. He looked down to me his face showing so many different emotions.
"Y/N keep running." Newt called down to me. A tear slipped my eye from just trying to wonder why he was climbing.
"Newt. What do you mean? Why are you climbing?" I said I didn't understand at all. Why? What was he going to do?
"I need you to go back to the glade."
"I'm going to jump! Okay? I'm jumping and not coming back now go!"
"Newt. I love you."
"No you don't. Your just saying it so I don't jump." Newt said turning back to the wall and climbing once again.
"Newt. I do love you please don't jump." I called up to him hoping he wouldn't do it. He kept climbing and didn't respond. I began climbing behind him. I was going to stop him. I climbed up, up, and up. I found Newt on a small ledge, half point on the wall only big enough for about 4 people. I climbed onto it next to him. I tried to grab his hand but he moved to the edge of the ledge. He lifted a foot to jump. I sprang into motion and pushed him back to the wall he was safe.
Then it hit me. I had slipped and was falling.
"Y/N!" Newt's voice rang trough my ears. "Y/N NO! Y/N!!" Newt's voice cracked most likely from crying.
I looked around and all I saw was maze floor. And then I felt a sharp pain in my head running throughout my body. Then everything went black.
I woke up in a boys arms. Minho. Minho was carrying me somewhere. I looked behind and saw Newt following behind. His eyes red and puffy from crying. He was walking with a limp. Then once again the darkness consumed my vision.
Once again I woke up this time in a med bed. I looked to my left to see Newt, Thomas, an Minho next to my bed asleep. I shuffled a little which woke them all up. "Your awake?" Newt questioned as if it wasn't real. Tears formed in all the boys eyes.
"Yeah, weren't I always?" After I spoke the weak feeling hit me. I was so weak.
"No Y/N. You've been asleep almost a month." Minho said a tear falling from his eye.
"You fell." Thomas said letting out a slight sob. Newt was doing worse than the others, his face was soaked in tears.
"But I s-saved him." I said looking to Newt, holding back tears.
"Y/N. We are grateful you did but you should've been more careful." Thomas said.
"Guys I'm going to go to sleep. Okay?" I said getting comfy looking to them.
"Okay just not too long. There will be a gathering soon about all this." Thomas said as none of the other boys could talk.
"I won't be making it to the gathering Thomas." I spoke weakly and quietly.
"What? Why?" Newt said. He looked so concerned.
"I'm not going to be waking up this time." I said and let out all the tears I'd been holding in.
The boys began freaking out and crying like crazy. "No No NO!" "Don't go!" "Please Y/N! I love you! Please!" Then the air in my chest was cut off. I gasped but it was no use. I let go. The world turned black again and silence was my new best friend. I was the first girl in the glade and died after just a few months. But I died for him.

2 Months Later

"Am I the only girl?" Teresa asked looking to Thomas, Minho, and Newt. Suddenly the boys faces flushed and they all stopped dead in their tracks. Newt eyes instantly filled with tears. He looked like he cried a lot. Minho and Thomas followed with the sad expressions. "Yes" Thomas said looking to Newt. Newt piped up his voice cracking. "There was another girl once." He said. He held his head in his hands and let out a few sobs. "W-What happened to her?" Teresa asked Minho as Thomas had gone to Newt's aid. Minho's face dropped even more than it already had. Which seemed impossible. Then all three of the boys broke down in tears. "I'll go now." Teresa said.
"SHES GONE!" Newt sobbed. "I shouldn't have wanted to jump! She wouldn't have had to save me! She wouldn't have slipped! I loved her Tommy, Minho. I loved her." Newt cried all night. Every few days he broke down like this. Because she was gone. His girl.

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