Joey Trotta • Toy Soldiers Part 3 (Request)

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You're taken to the lead terrorist. You don't know his name, but you recognize him from the first day they came and he explained the "one leave, five shot" rule.

He is standing behind his wooden desk, staring out the window. He turns when the door shuts. The guard lowers the gun by your head. It doesn't really make you feel better because the see that the head terrorist has a gun on his belt.

"This one came from the girl's building. I found her in the dorm hall," the guard says. "I gave her a hit on the head."

"Yeah, he did," you say quietly. "That'll leave a mark."

The head terrorist chuckles, something you aren't expecting. He signals for the guard to leave and You are alone with a creepy looking man with a gun. Your head hurts. Your hands are bloody. You're still a little dizzy.

"Sit," the man says. You do, hesitantly. "You got a name?" He has an accent.

"Do you?" You ask back. You shouldn't have an attitude towards him, but you can't really help it. This is the guy who started everything. It's his fault for this whole mess.

"My name is Luis Cali." He then puts his gun on the table. "Tell me your name."


He stares at you. "You broke a rule, Meghan." You don't respond. "No one is allowed to escape off their grounds."

"I was gonna go back. I was on my way back when-"

He puts his hand up. "Why did you come here?"

"I wanted to see my friends," you lie. Well, it isn't entirely a lie.

"Which friends?"

"Some boys."

"Obviously. I want their names."

You don't like where this is going. You feel like you're cheating them all by giving him their names. "Joey Trotta, Billy Tepper-"

He nods. "Stop there. I know them all. They're a small gang... Now, I can't have you getting away with this unscathed." He takes a hold on the gun again.

"Woah, woah, woah, I already got hit on the head. Please, don't kill me," you practically beg.

He aims the gun at you and you're frozen at your seat. He steps towards you, putting it at your forehead. It's cold. It reminds you of what Joey said to you not too long ago.

"I just want to know you're safe in your dorm and not having a gun pointed at your forehead!"

You shut your eyes, shaking. This is not how you want to die. Your girlfriends have no idea you're here. The boys are probably worried. Joey and you never got to make up.

A prayer is running through your head as the door flies open. Luis's head snaps in that direction and that's when you take your chances and run from the chair. Joey is standing in the doorway. He holds his hand out to you and you take it, letting him hug you. That was probably the scariest moment of your life.

You're both about to run out when two guards block you. You have no idea how Joey even got here. Luis starts cracking his knuckles and you swallow. "I see you really care about this girl," He says to Joey, who only nods, not letting you go. "I apologize, but someone still has to take some sort of punishment for this mess. It would make me look weak to let you both go."

"I'll take it," Joey says instantly.

"No!" You yell. "This is all my fault!"

"I don't care," Joey replies. "I don't want you getting hurt."

Your eyes fill with tears as Joey steps in front of you. Luis holds up the gun. Just as he fires it, you step in front of Joey and topple to the ground. "Shit, Meghan!" Joey yells, squatting beside you. That's when everything goes black.

You think you're dead as soon as your senses return. You feel a bed underneath you. The room is cold. Your shoulder hurts.

When you find the will to open your eyes, you have to close them again because of the light. You groan. "It's okay," a voice says.

After a couple tries, your sight returns and you see Dr. Gould sitting on a chair next to you. You're in the nurse's office. "What happened?" You mumble.

"What do you remember?" The headmaster asks.

"Nothing," you say at first, searching your brain, when one memory returns leading to dozens of others. The information, the shot, Joey. "Where's Joey?" You ask, getting louder.

"He's fine. So are the rest of your friends. Well, Billy... Never mind. You'll learn in time."

"What about Billy?"

Dr. Gould shakes his head. "For now, all you need to do is rest. You've been out for hours. You were shot in the shoulder and Joey came to me with you in his arms, yelling about it, and as quickly as I could with the other teachers, we patched you up. You'll be fine."

You nod, taking in the information. "Can I see Joey?"

"I'm not sure if they will let you. Just be happy you weren't killed on the spot. I'm sure Luis could have hit you in a worse spot, but he didn't."

"No, he was gonna kill me before Joey came. Shoot me in the head."

"Oh, my. Well, I'm going to get you some food. We'll start easy. You just rest." He leaves you alone, and you take a deep breath.

That's when Joey walks it.

"Meghan, thank God, you're okay," he whispers, sitting beside you.

"I'm glad your okay, too. What happened, Joey?"

"You freakin stepped in front of me, why would you do that? I was the one being an asshole."

"Joey, I wasn't being fair either, but he was gonna kill you. Now, we're both fine. It's worth a little pain."

"God, you were bleeding so much, I was so worried-"

"I'm fine, Joey. Calm down, it's gonna be fine."

"I'm so sorry, Meghan. You know I didn't mean the things I said, right?"

"Yes, I know. I didn't mean to make you upset either."

"You did the right thing. Billy gave your information and ours to the Dean. He found them off campus. He got in trouble for coming late though and got some cuts on his back for it, but he is fine."

"That's good," you reply.

Joey just looks at you. He takes your hand. "I'm so lucky to have you right now." Then he leans in and kisses you softly on your forehead.

"That's much better then a gun to the head," you reply. "I love you, Joey."

"I love you too."

The End.

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