River Phoenix Vs Corey Haim (You Decide) Part 5

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As you come closer, River does the same, bringing his lips slowly onto yours. He doesn't kiss like Corey, it is different. He is careful, slower, the soft touch of his hands on your forearm. Your fingers make their way to his chest. His lyrics linger in your mind.

He pulls away suddenly, leaving an empty feeling in yourself. The room feels tense. "I'm sorry," he whispers.

"What's wrong?"

He looks at you, surprised. "I'm not the one who should be kissing you right now."

It takes you a moment before you understand what he is trying to say. Corey. Guilt spreads through you like a disease and displays across your face. River demonstrates the same emotion. "Oh my God..." you whisper. "This is so wrong. I'm sorry, this is my fault-"

"No, it's not your fault." River comes close again. "I really like you. I've never felt this way about a person, but I don't feel right doing this knowing someone else is in the picture."

You nod. "I understand."

He gives a small smile. "You understand me better then anyone else in that school."

You smile back. "And you understand me. I've never met a person like you before.... I just... don't know what to do."

River is silent. "I don't feel right giving advice in this situation... I guess all I can say is do what feels right."

You nod as River starts getting his things together. You look at the clock and see that it is almost 5:30. "I hope I helped you a little with History."

"You did. Thank you. See you tomorrow in Homeroom?"

"Yeah," you agree, taking him to the door. "Wait- do you want a ride home? I'm sure my Dad could drive you, I'll just get an interrogation later."

"No, no, it's all good. Can I just use your phone to call my parents?"


As River is about to make a call, the phone rings. You go to answer it. "Hello?"


Your mouth goes a little dry. "Oh, hi Corey," you say, looking at River. He just glances away.

"I didn't see you after school."

"Sorry, I rushed out. I had a lot of homework."

"So I've heard."


"You're with that new kid from lunch, aren't you? River?"

"Um... Yes, yes I am. He needed help with his History, he has a test."

"I overheard you at lunch today, where you could barely keep your eyes off of him."

"What are you talking about?"

"We barely spoke during lunch except for one short conversation. What's happening to us? I thought you liked me."

"I do, Corey, I do..."

"That night..."

Corey is walking you home from the movie theater, laughing as you both recall your favorite part of the romantic comedy.

In front of your house, the night is still. It is chilly, but Corey makes any fear of the night disappear. He looks into your eyes. "I really had a good time tonight," he says.

"I did too. Thank you for everything... including the popcorn with extra butter."

He grins. "I didn't just have a good time because of the movie or the popcorn. I had a good time because I was with you. I like you, Y/N."

You look down, glad the darkness can hide your blush. "I'm assuming you mean more then as a friend."

He laughs. "Yeah, yeah, I mean more then just a friend. A friend wouldn't do this..."

He puts his hand on your chin and pulls your eyes up to his and soon his lips are smashing against yours. It is a first kiss with him that leaves an impression in your mind, strong and wanting. His arms grasp you by the waist, yours press on his shoulders.

That night started it all.

The next day he closed your locker and walked you to Homeroom.

The next day, River introduced himself to your class.

The next day, you had kissed two boys in not even a course of 24 hours.

River is staring at you now. Corey is silent, expecting something from you.


-Tell him that you love River


-Tell him nothing is going on

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