Klaus Mikaelson ~ i'm already dead

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[ you an Klaus live together in this, and you're a vampire]

You let out a sigh, as you walked in the front door. After a long day of work, home was all you needed. No. Wait. Food. Food was all you needed.
You put down your purse and went to the kitchen. As you headed for the fridge to decide what to make, you were pulled a side extremely fast. You figured that it was a vampire.

You groaned as you hit the wall with your back hard.
Soon to realise it was Klaus- one of the many originals you lived with, oh, and he wasn't really shy 'bout the fact that he had a crush on you.

"Hello there, love" he said with a smirk plastered on his face, inches away from your face, and a hand on each side of your head against the wall, so that you couldn't walk away.

"Niklaus" you said, annoyed.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Sarcasm clearly showing in your tone.
He chuckled and closed his eyes.
"You don't owe me anything." He responded, taking his hands off the wall, and walking to the kitchen counter.
"Ok then.." You said, relived that he, didn't want to bother you.
"What are you so gracefully trying to find?" He asked as you searched the fridge for food.
"Something to eat" you didn't look at him, and he stayed silent. His eyes never left your figure, and they stayed focuses on your every move. Not gonna lie, kinda creepy, but you didn't tell him that.

After about five minutes of silence, you now had finished making a sandwich for yourself. You put it on the kitchen counter. And turned around to get some water with it.

"This looks rather delightful." Klaus said standing up, hovering over the sandwich. You snapped you head around.
The bastard had the sandwich, you craved to eat, in his hands.
He had a cheeky smirk on again.
You were pissed off.
But you figured the way to go was slow and calm.
You took in a deep breath before speaking.
"Klaus.. That.. Is.. My.. Sandwich"
You stated the obvious.
He just looked at the sandwich, and slowly put it to his mouth.
"KLAUS!" You shouted.
He froze and looked up at you.
"Yes, Y/n" he said, and smiled. He was clearly enjoying this.
"I swear to god, if you eat that, I'm going to kill the shit out you." You said, as calm as possible.

There was a pause before he broke the silence.

"Y/n. I'm already dead." He said and took a big bite out of it, and then vampire speeded away.

"Game on." You said and speeded after him.

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