Stefan Salvatore ~ Never again

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[ You are human. Stefan is in love with you, and you are fully aware. He doesn't know that you know though. He is overprotective]


Today you chose to do the complete opposite of what Stefan had said.

Stay here y/n.
I can't let you get hurt.
I'll go help Damon out, don't leave the boardinghouse.

And what did you do? You left. Even though it was incredibly stupid and selfish, you left.
But all you did was go to the grill.
It was 9 pm, and you were bored, Stefan had been gone for almost 2 hours.
You sat down had a some hot chocolate, and hung out by yourself. Or almost by yourself.
Klaus thought it would be nice to join, when he saw you alone.
You sat there and talked for hours. And you actually enjoyed his company.
He wasn't a total jerk, even though you were told so.

Anyway- time passed. And it was now twenty past twelve, and you had to go back before Stefan did.
So you left.


Pulling up in the driveway, you saw Stefan's car and the lights in the living room was on.

"Shit" you whispered to yourself- knowing that you had hurt his feelings, and probably worried him.
You rushed to the front door, and went in.
Closing and locking the door behind you.
As you turned around, you saw Stefan sitting on the couch by himself, and bourbon and an empty glass.

His head slowly went up as he heard you coming down the steps.

He stared at you blankly. It was starting to get uncomfortable. Breaking the silence was all you could think of doing, because the awkward and intense stare was getting to much.

"Stefan.." Was all you could bare to say. The disappointment in his eyes was now clear. You took a deep breath and looked down to your feet. He was still sitting down.

"Was it to much to ask for?" He said, with a husky voice, clearly exhausted, from helping Damon, but also being concerned about you.
You looked up without answering. No words seemed to come to mind.
He sighed.
" You scared me, y/n. And by the way.." He reached forward to take something from the table. You stayed silent.
"You have 28 missed calls from your worried best friend, named Stefan." He gave you your phone, that you had forgotten to bring to the grill. Hesitantly you took it. Indeed 28 missed calls.

"I'm sorry" you whispered, knowing he would hear it.

"Don't be, all I'm trying to do.. Is to protect you, y/n. God forbid that something should happen to you. If you got hurt, and I wasn't there to defend you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." He gulped. Tears were forming in his eyes, and in yours. You took a moment to let it sink in. But you felt so ashamed, even though it wasn't such a bad thing you did.

"Stefan, I'm sorry. I-I don't.. Know what else to tell you."
And you honestly didn't. You couldn't really explain yourself to him.
You looked at the ground yet again, filled with embarrassment.

He stood up now. You didn't dare to look.
He was stepping closer to you, inches apart. You still didn't face him. He sighed.
He was so close, that when you looked at your feet, his feet was almost touching them.
You felt a hand under your chin, lifting it, forcing you to look up.
You slowly let him bring you face up to look him in the eyes. They were still watery, as were yours.

"Never again" he looked deeply in my eyes, which made shivers run down my back. I noded, feeling relaxed by his hand, he had moved to my cheek.
"Never again, I promise." You whispered.

"Come here" he brought his other arm around you shoulders and pulled you in to his chest, warming you up.
You hugged back, holding around his waist. And a tear escaped your eye. Not because you were upset, because you were grateful for how much he cares.

This isn't that long, but yeaaah.
I looove Stefan so much! Omg. I don't think it's healthy. Idk- whatever.
This was nice to write.

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