~ Chapter 14 ~

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I was so glad that I was finally heading back to Hogwarts. Sitting on the Hogwarts Express was a joy for me, and I still have many more trips on this train in the future to look forward to. Over the holidays I have been writing Sabastion and he seemed a bit off and distant when he wrote to me. As if he was to bored to reply and was not as animated as he usually was. I knew he stayed at Hogwarts for the holidays, but I think he got news from home while I was gone, it would be the only explanation. I mean I get that he would be upset, but is it toward me or is it just his general reaction to it all. While lost in thought there was a knock and a voice from behind the cabin door that broke into my thoughts.

"Excuse me?" Charlie Weasley said while poking his head in, "do you mind?" jestering with  if his head to the empty seat across from me. 

"Go ahead." I reply while going through my bag looking for a specific book.

"I see you're wearing the jumper my mum had made for you." He started off breaking the silence with a chuckle at the end.

"Of course I'm wearing it. It's comfortable, my house color, and was a gift; speaking of gift this is for you." I say pulling out the book I was looking for and handing him the wrapped parcel. He gave me a curious look, "It's not cursed, Weasley."

"Never too careful, Lestrange." He then started to unwrap the parcel and saw the book inside starting with a laugh. "Haha, 'Men Who Love Dragons Too Much', you trying to tell me something here?" Charlie had asked holding the book up. 

"I know you have probably already read it in the library, but now you have your own copy now so you could add notes to it. I don't think that Madam Pince would appreciate if her book was written in." I say simply.

"Well thank you Jazmin, I really appreciate it." He says sincerely with a smile.

We continued talking the whole way back to the school. He told me about his family the twins that he had mentioned in the letter and the brother I've seen around school weren't his only siblings he had 3 more an older brother, another younger brother, and a younger sister who is the youngest; they will all be coming to Hogwarts in the next few years while I am here and he is off doing whatever he chooses. I do feel sorry for his sister she has to deal with all of these older brothers. The way he had talked about his family showed that he really loved them, it was something that I have never really experienced before, no one I have spoken to as actually showed that much passion about something so positive before; the only passion I had seen from someone was from The Dark Lord himself, but that was passion for power so it wasn't so positive. I was honestly jealous of the passion that this Charlie Weasley had for his family, because I would never experience anything like that the only family I have left is in Azkaban; although I would never admit this jealousy out loud to anyone especially to the said Weasley. We got to school in no time since we were talking the whole way, we said good-bye and another set of thank you's due to the gifts and went our separate ways.

Upon entering the Great Hall I saw my best friend sitting by himself where we usually sit he had his back to me so I thought I should give him a bit of a fright. So coming up behind him I went to jerk his shoulders but he said, "I know that's you Jazmin." You could tell he had a smirk on his face when he said it too.

I pouted and sat down next to him. "How did you know I was there I was quiet the whole way over?"

He turned to face me, "Well there's the fact that Flint got a lot more pissy just by your presence in the room, but also the fact that I saw your reflection in the window." I had looked ahead of me and indeed saw one of the many windows in the Great Hall in front of us, I had forgot about that, I let out another huff with my pout and looked at my bestfriend.

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