Meet the queen

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Everything was quite a sight. The forest was green, greener than anything she had ever seen before. The sky, which was peeping through the skyscraper tall trees, was baby blue, with circus clouds, dancing around the sky. Leo twirled, inhaling the clean air, and exhaling all tension from her body. This was beautiful. She doesn't know how she got there, or why, but wherever she was brought was really beautiful. She stopped twirling and looked around. She hadn't felt this peaceful in years.

"What strange clothes you are wearing..."

Leo sharply turned to the sound of a bored tone. Blue-ocean, hazel colored eyes tainted her innocent blue ones. "Unique..." He spoke again. He noticed how she looked, different from any type of villagers he has seen, he has seen brown skinned villagers with brown eyes, or light brown eyes, but never have he seen a brown villager, with blue eyes. "Perhaps are you blind?"

Leo always got that question, she got her blue eyes from her German grandmother. Everyone always asked her if she was blind because of her light grayish blue eyes. The man she was speaking to was quite...unique...too. He wore what looked like a a black karate outfit, that was white, band without a belt. The pants were tighter. His hair was black that faded into a bright red. He looked as if he was from the east, eyes were the same exact color hers were. It was a unique blue that only she thought she had.

"Are you from here?" He asked.

"I don't know." Leo answered honestly.

The man stared at her for a second before taking another step towards her. "I'm Prince Erien, of Alangal." Leo's mouth dropped slightly, the funny bone inside her was telling her that it was all a joke, but Erien looked so serious. The place she was in was nowhere close to where she lived. She had to be in some kind of foreign country. She doesn't even remember how she got here. She took a small step back and spoke, " are joking right?"

"Joking?" He repeated. He scratched his head and bore his eyes into her, "I'm not joking. You are definitely an outsider. What village did you come from?" Leo frowned, "village? I...I lived in New York..."

"What is a New York? Is it a newly built village?"

"Where exactly am I?" Leo asked. Erien answered, "I told you, Alangal." Erien suddenly looked around him with a frown. The leaves on the trees started shaking, and the trees started rumbling. Erien took a step back and deepened his frown. Leo was too struck in thought to see what was happening around her. As she was about to ask, Erien grabbed her waist and threw her over his shoulder. He ran with her on his back. She screamed at first, and was going to yell at him to put her down, but when she looked up. She saw a brutal beast.

The beast had a circle for a mouth, and unusually circle shaped. The body was made with sticks and branches. It was literally a moving tree that had four legs. It's teeth were in a circle, layered like a shark's, with sharp branches. It roared loudly and was chasing after them in a fast pace.

Leo was terrified. She was definitely not in New York, and probably definitely not on earth.

As soon as Prince Erien ran to a certain point, the beast had gotten slower and eventually stopped. Roaring loud and angry at them as it turned away. When Erien thought it was a good place to stop, he let down the mysterious girl named Leo.

"W-what was that!?" Leo was shaken.

"Witches often use monsters in certain places to cast out wanderers. Usually because they hide important objects or something. You just happened to stumble on the wrong parts. This is the forest of death."

"Witches? I guess I'm not on earth after all..." Leo was honestly freaking out. But she had to remain calm. "Death? Forest of death? The forest looked so beautiful." Erien nodded, "yes...that's how it traps you. People come here for suicidal or sickness reasons. They want to see a beautiful place before they pass."

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