Ch.22 Happy First Month!

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She's supposed to be moved and happy because the lyrics are romantic. She shouldn't be crying.

The words kept on replaying on my mind during our travel to my house. I invited them to come with me because I want to introduce Allison as my girlfriend.

Mom welcomed us with a tight hug and a kiss on our cheeks as soon as we emerged from the car. I missed her so much it makes me want to leave the school.

"Where's Cassy?" I inquired casually. I frowned when I noticed the surprise on Allison and Missy's face.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously. There's something off with the way they reacted when I asked my mom about my sister.

"You... You have a sister?" Allison asked, still a bit surprised.

"Yeah, I told you that before. At the food park" I replied still frowning.

"Cassy is in her room, she's practicing her performance for their foundation day" mom explained as she led us to the backyard. We have a typical two floored house, with quite a bit wider backyard.

"Wow! You have a tree house!" Missy said excitedly. I'm not surprised because it's the first thing that you will notice in our backyard.

"Yes, Cassy and I built that" I said proudly. Again, she looked surprised when I mentioned my sister's name.

"Until now it's their playground" Mom chimed in, which caused the siblings to laugh at me.

"There's nothing wrong with that" I defended.

Mom prepared a platter of Cob salad and apple pie. It's her specialty so I'm sot surprised when Missy and Allison loved it. We're busy chatting and laughing when Cassy finally appeared.

"Mom I'm hungry, I've been calling you on your phone" Our attention was caught by her. She's still wearing her pajama and favorite baggy shirt. I frowned when I noticed the band aid on her right cheek.

What did she do this time?

"Cassandra! You're big enough to get your own food!" mom preached. Cassy ignored her when she saw me.

"Salt!" she immediately gave me a tight hug.

"I missed you! You didn't visit me for a month!" she complained like a baby. She's so cute, just like Missy.

"I'm sorry I've been busy" I explained chuckling while tapping her head.

"Uh this is Missy McKinley" I said afterwards.

"Hi nice to meet you Cassandra" Missy greeted her smiling.

"It's Cassy, call me Cassy" my sister insisted. I slapped her shoulder because I don't like the attitude that she showed towards Missy.

"Cassy it is" Missy said in understanding.

"And this is Allison McKinley" I paused for a moment to compose myself.

"My girlfriend" Everyone's eyes turned to mine. I'm already expecting their reaction so I'm just chill.

"What?! Oh my goodness" Mom exclaimed in surprise. She looked like she will about to past out, and it made me suddenly feel guilty.

"Of all people, why Salt? You could have better" She joked after a moment of silence. I sighed in relief upon hearing what she said, I expected that she'll be mad because she really wants Marcus for me.

"I don't know" Allison replied shyly.

"I didn't expect that you'll be into girls, Missy you too?" Mom inquired curiously.

But I'm not a V A M P I R E (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now