band geeks ch 9

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                                                                    Chapter 9

            After I fed my fat cat, I figure I should order myself some food before I go crazy from hunger and my texts. I called the local pizza place got a large pizza and some wings. YUM! The guy on the phone said it would be another 45 minutes to an hour. I love delivery but I hate the wait but oh well its worth it.

          I plop myself on the couch and sadly grab my phone. I look through the names/numbers. Most of them were from people I don't even know. They all said the same god damn thing, “r u datin Jason again?!” Why can't people leave me alone, I delete them all except the only one that had a name. It was my mom telling me that there trip is going great, they got a raise, and a bunch of stuff I didn't care about. Finally at the end of it she tell me they will be putting more money in my account. I sent thanks and I love you as a reply. Simple and good enough for them basically.

        I go back to my main screen on my phone which has a picture of a bass and treble clef heart. It's corny but I love it. I check the time to see when the delivery man will be over. Still have a long 25 minutes at least.

       My phone vibrates startles me, I'm such a lame. I thought it was my mom replying but it wasn't it was Max. This is so weird because no one ever texts me first. I don't know why but yeah any way. I better open it.

Max: Hey, u want to hang 2nite?

       He wants to hang out already this is awesome. I can play that question game with him and find out more about him this is epic.

Me: Sure u can come over I order a pizza. bring a movie. :)

      As soon as the text is sent my mind wonders if I should change or something. I got up to go check in a mirror on how I look. When My phone vibrates again. Wow he texts back fast.

Max: Ok wats ur address?

       I text it to him and hurry to get ready so I don't miss him or the pizza guy knocking. I turn my phone up to loud so I can hear if he gets lost or whatever.

      After trying on like thirty outfits I choose my favorite pair of jeans and black v neck shirt with blue metallic music notes on it. I brush my hair at some mascara and eye shadow and I'm done. He should be here soon.

      I grabbed my phone and grabbed my phone and run down the stairs. I have about 5 minutes till the delivery guy should come, so I grab myself a drink. As soon as I shut the fridge door the doorbell rings. I walk fast to the door because either way I was excited to eat or see Max.

      I open the door to see it wasn't either and my smile dropped to a frown. It was Jason. I'm in deep shit if he doesn't leave soon.

“Hi what are you doing here? You should of texted me, what if I wasn't home or busy?” I said

     He just laughed at me.

“We both know you are always home and never busy because you have no friends.” He said with serious face.

       I don’t care who you are that hurts. It was true though I don't have any friends thanks to him. You know what? Fuck him I'm not getting hurt I'm better then this. He isn't the same guy I use to know.

“That's because you made then all leave me you arrogant ass whole.” I said with venom in my voice.

“Wouldn't of happen if you didn't break up with me you dumb bitch.”

“Just leave, I don't want to see you around me until you go back to the guy I use to love. “


        I'm scared I have seen him mad but never like this. I don't know whats wrong, is he drunk or high on some drug? He was about to push me inside and do god knows what, when two strong arms grabbed him and threw him away from me. It was Max thank fucking god he was coming over.

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