Chapter 2

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Ready to continue with this one aka me!


Let's continue!

So since i am in this stupid bag and with my wiggles and scream didn't work and idea popped into my head. I can ANNOY the hell out of them.

If you must know I love to annoy people, or just to get out a situation, like this one. Also another word for a annoy is a whole lot of sarcasm.

"Hey boys, ready for my show?" I asked with a smile on my face even though they couldn't seem it.

"Too young,too young,she chanted to herself.
Wrong,of course.
I was older than her grandfather but according to my driver's license,she was right." I said and laughed at myself.

I continued "When wearing a bikini, women reveal 90% of their body... Men are so polite they only look at the covered parts"

I heard one boy sigh and whispered thinking I couldn't hear "Dude, is she going to keep going on like this?"

I didn't hear anything so I just thought Jason nodded. Since he knows I can be annoying a lot and be sarcastic a lot.

"I'm really good at stuff until people watch me do that stuff, If I ever need a heart transplant, I'd want my ex's. It's never been used" I said, and laughed.

Until i hit the ground hard, and I groaned. I touched my back because I landed right on it.

They pulled me right out like I was a twigg. I could see I was in a forest somewhere. Right in front of us is a huge tree with a big branch, I looked over to my right and I saw one boy with blonde hair who looked big, I was being carried. One boy was holding my wrist and the other was holding my legs. I just assumed they did that because if only one person was holding me i would hit the shit out of them.

I was wiggling still trying to get out which obviously didn't work.

The boy on my right started doing something to the rope, when we stopped the boy dropped my legs and I whinced in pain. Then Jason dropped my wrist and I whinced again because my head hit the ground. I was about to get up to make a break for it but all of a sudden the rope was tied around my wrist I started to get dragged. I tryed to stand up to try to run but I would get pulled back to the ground.

In matter of seconds I was hanging in the air tangling, unable to reach the ground. Jason stood right in front of me with smirk on his face.

I gave him a fake smile and I said "So your going to kill me here?"

He didn't reply and a boy with black hair and brown eyes who looked short gave him a knife.

My heart dropped, this was going to be the end of my life, I'm going to die from Jason my boyfriend. Which of course I mean ex boyfriend.

"Oh, sweetie don't worry I wont kill you I'll just torture you" He smirked at me.

Tears started running down my checks. I don't want this, what did I ever do to deserve this. Once he was close enough he looked up to my arm and put the knife to my wrist and dragged the knife in my skin, as he dragged it all the way to my elbow, making it curve around my arm, I screamed my heart out because it hurt so bad.

The blonde boy quickly wrapper a ripped sheet around my mouth so I couldn't scream.

Jason walked even closer to me and whispered "I'm going to make your life a living hell, I'll hurt you, if you make any new friends, I'll hurt you if you say anything to anyone, I'll hurt you until you leave this place, which you don't even deserve to live on the earth"

Tears came out more then I thought I could cry that much. He brought up the knife to my hip and dragged it down about two inches.

I let out a scream of pain because it hurt so, the blood was just dripping to the ground like I was a doll, that I was nothing at all.

Jason just laughed, as the two boys joyed him. Until I realized there was one boy missing, Where could he be, maybe he waited in the car or disagreed with the boys.

As I bleed more I felt weaker and weaker, my eyes were getting drowsy, the blood just kept on bleeding the life out of me literally.

I knew I can't fall asleep, it's the bad kind of sleep. I was trying my hardest to stay awake.

The two boy came up to me and one punched me in the stomach, and with the other one, he punched me in the face.

And everything went black.

(Not edited)

Okieeeeeeee, longer chapter, and I another cliffhanger, mwhahahaha, I'm just going to pray you enjoyed it

Peace my people🤘

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