Best Night Ever?

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Tayla’s POV

THIS IS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE. They have only finished the first two songs which were Up all Night and I Would. Now they are talking to the crowd and saying how thankful they are and everything.

They are so funny to watch on stage! They are just themselves, silly and funny. Messing around seems to be a hobby for them.

I don’t blame them.

I have not wiped the smile off my face since it started and I am already losing my voice from screaming, so is Dani I think I don’t know its to loud to even think in here.

Oh my god they look so good to, all so stylish in their different ways.

Harry is wearing his skinny jeans with a black shirt, Liam is wearing gansta pants and a white singlet with a snapback on and a bandana tucked into the back pocket, Niall is wearing black baggy pants with a white patterned singlet, Louis is wearing skinny jeans with a white shirt and Zayn is wearing black jeans with rips with a black skeleton like shirt. Beautiful.

Oh my god, people stop screaming don’t you want to listen to what they have to say?

 “Can you hear what they are saying?!” I try to tell Dani but end up yelling in her ear. “NO PEOPLE NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!” As soon as she says this all the girls around us stop and turn around to look at us. HAHAHA oh Dani you crack me up. Good one for embarrassing us. Kidding I don’t care.

Stop looking at us, you have been staring for a good 30 seconds now. What is your problem?

Thank you.

I’m glad I keep all my thoughts to myself other wise some people would hate me.

The boys are back singing and Dani and I are back to jumping around like retards.

It’s probably a bit over a third of the concert over now and the boys are singing Change My Mind while on the flying thing and they are about to go over our heads onto the second stage. THIS IS OUR CHANCE.

I look at Dani and she already knows what I’m thinking. “Niall” she confirms and on a count down of three from her fingers we scream Niall’s name as loud as we can.

He looks down and then looks back up, maybe he’s forgotten about us already. I make a little sad face at Dani. What the hell.

“Liam” I look at her and on another three we scream Liam. Liam glanced over and double took he smiled waved and gave a thumbs up then a wink. I don’t think he has forgotten. We both smile back wave and giggle giving thumbs up back and both sticking our tongues out at the same time, which was not planned. We look at each other and chuckle he stops singing for a second to laugh at us.


And weird twin telepathy shit.

Dani’s POV

“NEVER FELT LIKE THIS BEFORE, ARE WE FRIENDS OR ARE WE MORE” I scream with Tayla, before my voice cracks causing both of us to go into a laughing fit.

This is was so much fun and we got a look from Liam, I wonder what Niall’s problem is. He seems really upset. I can sense that Tayla is thinking a similar thing. Poor Niall. He is usually so happy and into it. He was alright at sound check although he didn’t say much.

Oh well, “I’LL CHANGE MY MIND” I continue to sing and scream until the song is over.

SHUT UP THE SONG IS OVER STOP SCREAMING. Worst part about tonight is that some girls don’t know when enough is enough. They are speaking I want to hear them.

“They are answering questions now!” Tayla informs me, knowing that I got lost in my thoughts.

All 5 boys turn to face us, And Tayla waves at them trying to get their attention she gets Harry’s and he looks down at her waving and smiling, he then looks across to me and waves as well. Tayla and I look at each other and smile before turning around to look at the screens at the front to see the question.

While we were facing the back Harry some how ordered watermelon and is now eating it. What a weirdo.

We face the back again to look at the next question. “What the fuck!” Tayla screams as she turns around to see a piece of watermelon sitting on the ground, she looks down at it looks at me and then looks up on stage.

Cheeky Harry. I laugh before one hits me as well “ARGH!” I shriek. Tayla is pissing herself at Harry and me and I look up on stage to see Zayn trying to hide from my view.

Cheeky boys.

Harry and Zayn are pissing themselves on stage as Tayla and I are in the audience. All the girls around us, are looking at us with death stares.


Louis is half way through reading a question before he turns around to Harry and Zayn and says “lads, lads come on now. Eat the watermelon don’t throw it at innocent girls” he smiles and turns back to finish the question.

Zayn becomes calm very soon and winks at us before going back to concentrating, as for Harry he is still giggling like a 4 year old and gives a very cheeky smirk towards Tayla, to which she blushes to.

I would be jealous, but I’m in love with the very poor looking Niall. I still don’t know what his problem is.

Tayla’s POV


Srs times, stop. Your making me fangirl.

One way or another has just started, I love this song.

I love all the songs.


Dani looks at me and smiles. We have this thing where we will do our hip hop dance to all theses random songs because its so much fun.

Anyway Dani and I start doing hip hop and smiling like idiots, all the girls around us have backed away little bit to give us room still dancing, screaming and singing alone. Thank you beautiful beautiful people.

I look up on stage and see Niall watching us, I smile at him slightly knowing he isn’t in the best mood, and he smiles back. I watch him as I see him get the boys attention so that they can watch to. I blush to myself “Dani they are all watching!” she looks up and smiles looking back at me.

The song ends and Dani and I high five. The boys clap us slyly and get back to the show. All the girls around us yell out random shit that neither Dani or I could hear.

Dani tugs on my jumpsuit “What’s Louis doing?” I look over in the direction Dani was looking in, Louis was talking to a security guard. Weird.

Oh well, his problem not ours.

Again with the talking to soon.

The security guard who Louis was talking to walks over to Dani and I and asks us to follow him out. She frowns at me and shrugs. We follow him out of the doors and into the foyer. I look over at Dani a little concerned.

Still frowning Dani pipes up and says

“Are we in trouble?”

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