Wrong turn

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Tayla’s POV

The concert is now over and I’m helping Lou clear the back of the stage, we are just chatting about random shit when we walk into the dressing room and I see Harry sitting on the couch with the bitch. “Uhm, oh Hey harry” I say entering the room not bothering to look at the bitch he looks up and says “Oh hey, this is Amanda” he says smiling introducing me to the bitch I already know.

I don’t bother to say hi. I don’t like her why should I pretend. “Yeah, we know each other” She says eyeing me. “Unfortunately” I smile sarcastically at her.

“Harry can I talk to you in the kitchen?” I ask Harry. He gets up and follows me into the kitchen. “Why is she here?” I ask annoyed. “I invited her, she is a… friend, why do you care?” He says bubbly. “Look Harry I know you probably think she is a lovely girl but she isn’t! Don’t you remember her at sound check in Adelaide! She isn’t a nice person!” I whisper yell at him my temper rising.

“Yes I remember and she has explained what actually happened that night to me. Its your fault not hers! Its called self defence” He whisper yells back. What the fuck it is not my fault. “Fine” I storm out of the room, I’m pissed.

One thing you should know is when I’m pissed you should leave me alone, unless you know how to calm me. He has taken her side instead of mine. That fucking cow. I hate her!

Harry is like my best friend, best guy friend and she has just taken that away.

I break into a run down the hall. I need air.

I swing open the door and find Niall and Dani sitting there. I look at them and walk straight past. Not right now.

“Tayla? What’s wrong” I hear Dani call. I don’t reply and just keep walking.

“Tayla!” Niall screams. I can feel the anger picking up. I feel someone grab my hand. I turn around “Its just me” Dani says. She knows how to calm me down. “You are shaking” She says stroking my arm. Niall is right next to her and has his hand on my back.

I try to breathe, still not talking. I am so angry with Harry.

“Stop, take a breath and tell us” She says breathing with me. I close my eyes take a big deep breath and begin to talk. “Harry invited the bitch back into the dressing room, I walk in with Lou and he is just sitting there with her. Remember soundcheck! Yeah apparently she explained everything to him and told him I started it that it was my fault and she was just defending herself. Dani that bitch which by the way her name is Amanda she has managed to target all of my insecurities in my life, from preschool to now! I hate her Dani”

I can feel my temper rising as I stop talking. Dani takes it all in and then grows angry in her face. She grabs my hand and walks me back inside. Niall follows us without speaking because he is a little scared.

“Alright Amanda get out!” Dani bursts into the room and says. Amanda looks up and smirks “No” she replies. I know what Dani is about to do, and she can’t it will make things worse for both of us.

“Niall grab Dani!” I yell just in time. Niall grabs Dani and takes her outside. Dani is the type of person to throw punches at people she hates.

Harry grabs my arm and walks me into the kitchen. “What the fuck are you doing?” He says coldly. “Well I just saved Amanda’s ass, so actually I’m helping!” I say back just as rudely. He gives me a little look, he is pissed. I grab my shit from the dressing room and head out. “Where are you going?” Harrys calls out. “Home because I don’t want to be here” I say before exiting.

“She is such a wimp” Amanda says to Harry as I shut the door.

What is she playing at?

Niall, Dani, Lou, Zayn, Louis and I head back to the hotel. Liam waits for Harry with Paul.

I get into the car and try to ignore everyone. So not in the mood.

Zayn tries to speak to me a few times but he doesn’t ask to many questions, he is a smart boy. I admire Zayn.

We get to the hotel and I go straight to mine and Harry’s room. Only this morning everything was great, it was when Amanda fucking arrived.

I sit on the bed for a second with my face in my hands before I stand up and throw my phone at the wall. I hear knocking at the door but I just sit back down. I don’t know why I am so angry. I just am.

Zayn and Louis come in to make sure I’m okay but they can easily see that I’m not. I tell them everything about how Amanda always tormented me as a kid and how she always finds away to get to my insecurities and I just tell them everything. I bring up sound check for them, and they could see that she is a rude cow.

After an hour they leave the room, I’m a bit better now. More upset then angry. Harry still isn’t home, so I just decide to go to sleep. Maybe it will all be over tomorrow morning.

I hear a voice a few minutes later “Tayla? Hey I am really sorry about tonight. I didn’t mean to get mad at you” Its HAROLD himself. I don’t answer. He crawls in next to me and turns me over so that I am forced to face him. He pulls me in for a long tight hug.

Harry stop. You don’t know how I feel about you and this is making it worse. Stop please.

I try to wriggle out but he has me in a tight hold. “If you are willing to accept, I would love to be friends again” He says to me smiling. I just nod. He kisses my forehead and wraps his arm around my waist loosely. I grab his hand and start to play with his fingers. I love his hands. I love Harry. I think I don’t know.

Dani’s POV

I am going to kill Amanda, why does she do this.

“Dani, Tayla is fine okay, she is a strong girl” Niall says trying to comfort me I have been pacing the room for 10 minutes planning out ways I can kill her.

I sigh and just flop onto the couch. “okay” I all I manage to say. Tayla hasn’t stormed out of Harry’s room yet or anything so they must have made up.

It’s been a long day and night, and I am still so excited about Niall and I. He is seriously the best boyfriend ever. He just says some of the cutest things and he laughs at everything. It’s the best because he laughs at non-funny stuff and his laugh is just so adorable and contagious. Sorry I just tend to get a bit obsessed with him sometimes. That’s okay right?

I hadn’t noticed that I was staring a Niall and smiling “What’s up?” He asks me caressing my cheek. “I am just so lucky to have you,” I tell him smiling.

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