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Tayla’s POV

The next school we were going to was Marrayat ville oh my friend goes there!. While in the car, Harry said a lot of things to me. I couldn’t reply with anything just yet though. Although we decided to promise each other we would still be friends and we would always keep in contact. I liked this idea. I mean im already friends with Zayn, Louis and Liam. I don’t really know Niall yet but I have to be friends with him. if he’s friends with Dani then he’s friends with me to.

In the car, after Harry and I had chatted I asked Dani to swap seats with me very quickly. I need what Harry just said to sink in and it’s a good chance ti get close to Niall.

She happily swaps and as I sit down and put my seat belt on I can already here her and Harry talk about rubbish. I giggle to myself. Losers.

“Niall, I know we got off to a rough start but your really cool and I’m friends with all the boys except you. Can we be friendship official?” I ask him, fluttering my eyes at the end of my sentence. He smiles and nods. His smile is contagious.

Once we arrive at marrayat ville, Niall helps me out of the car before tickling me. UHm no. As I drop to the ground screaming he stops and pisses himself laughing. Dani drags him away and Harry helps me up. “Thank” I say to Harry dusting myself off. He just looks down at me and smirks.

“Dani! Tayla!” Lou screams from behind us. We turn around to see Lou and 2 people I have not heard or seen before. “You 2 come with us, time to get you glammed up, we only have a few minutes so hurry!” She says rushing us along in her direction. No time for introducing in this world. “We will be back soon” Dani yells out to anyone who listens.

I love getting my make up and hair done, its so nice and relaxing. I still don’t know her name but a very nice lady was working hard on my face and hair to make me look presentable. We were now going to all the schools with the boys and we needed to look some what pretty.

Lou and the other two stylists gave us an outfit to out on with shoes. I got tight leather jeans with a loose top, white high tops and a jacket. My hair was curled at the ends. I look like girl version of Zayn. Stylish. Dani got a flowery patterned skirt waist high with a white singlet tucked in, boots and a cardigan. Her hair was straightened and pinned back off her face.  I love both outifts.

After 5 minutes Dani and I look like we have just come out of hours and hours of styling. “Woah, you guys are good!” I exclaim. Nodding at the beautiful people who made me look some what pretty.

“I like this style” Dani giggles. We look in a mirror for a few seconds before realising we are meant to be with the boys, alright lets go.

We smile at Lou, before she takes us to where the boys are. Once we walk into the room they are waiting in. There facial expressions are priceless. I give dani a wink before we bump each other, this time landing it. “You guys look really good!” Niall spits out. Well thank you.

After waiting in the room for another 5 minutes, Paul takes us through some rules with the boys and that because there are going to be photos taken from everywhere Dani and I are not to get to touchy with the boys. We don’t rumours going around about us 2 dating one of them. Okay. “So nothing?” Harry says to Paul. Paul shakes his head “Preferably not” he says sternly.

He orders us to follow him out. “Boys we have to go through fans to get to where we are meant to be, you guys know what to do but Dani and Tayla do not. Keep the girls close to you” he says very seriously before turning around and opening the door.

I exchange a nervous look with Dani, this is going to be fun but scary.

Harry pulls my arm towards him and puts my body in front of him. He then puts one arm around my waist and leaves the other one down. “Keep your head down” he whispers in my ear. Okay then.

I look up and smile at him, “okay” I say back.

Niall has pulled Dani in front of him to holding one of her hands and keeping the other one down. The line started with Paul, then Zayn Dani, Niall Lou Me Harry and Louis on the end with the rest of the stylists. Thank god Lou was in front of me. Then I could grab onto her if it was needed.

Dani’s POV

We walk out and flashes are everywhere, there are also a bunch og girls in their school uniforms yelling and screaming out all their names. This is crazy. Nialls squeezing my hand and leads me through the crowd before I scream in pain as some chick grabs my hair. “OW!” my immediate reaction is to grab the hair she is pulling to reduce pain.

Niall turns around to see the chick pulling at my hair “Get off of her!” he screams into the girls face. She drops the hair instantly and glares at me, Niall tugs on my hand and I continue to walk while fixing my hair with my free hand. What the fuck?

We finally reach where we were meant to be and Lou comes over to fix my hair. I now have a massive headache thanks to the stupid chick who pulled my hair.

“Are you alright Dani?” Niall asks me once we were safe. I look at him and give a faint smile “Just a headache” I reply with. He then kisses my forehead. Niall no contact remember, omg. He is so forgetful. I wasn’t going to stop him though. I liked it.

Because Tayla and I new a few people at this school and we were quite close with them we decided it would be nice to introduce them to the boys. I went to tell Tayla and she agreed it would be a good idea. We started off with a girl named Dulcie. She is tall, with long brown wavy hair and is one of the funniest people you will ever meet. She likes Harry best so I let Tayla introduce them.

“Dulcie, this is Harry and Harry this is my friend Dulcie from dance” Tayla smiled as she introduced them. Dulcie was in shock, she didn’t smile or anything. Nothing. Just stood there.

She replied that made all three of us laugh (Harry, me and Tayla) I then went off to find Niall while Harry, Dulcie and Tayla talked.

All the boys had to go off and take photos with fans so Tayla and I just stood there, admiring them.

“This is crazy” I say to her quietly. “I know, we are so lucky Dani. A week ago we didn’t know the boys, a week ago it was our dream to meet them. Now look at us. We are friends with all 5 of them” She reply’s with putting her head down and smiling.

We both stood there for while just watching them, they really are perfect.

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