Green: the color of the trees when I first saw her.
Green was the color of her eyes, those eyes I craved to see each morning.
Green, the chipped polish she picked at, nervous to tell me she loved me.
Green, it was the color of our walls when we bought our first home.
Green - the paint on your face; it made you look so silly.
Green, made me fall in love with you over and over.
Green, God, I loved the color - all because it reminded me of you.
Green, I felt it when I saw you with her.
Green, I was turning that color, feeling sick when you touched her like that.
Green, wondering if it was all in my head or if it was real.
Green - knowing that wasn't your shirt, swearing I saw it on her.
Green. Green. Green: I was wondering if you were even going to come home at all.
Green, the color of envy, the color I despised and loved so desperately.
Green eyes, you looked guilty.
Green, when she told me she had enough.
Green walls, punch holes in the halls.
Green - I felt it slipping through my fingers.
Green, should I let her go?
Green - our grass when you packed your bags.
Green, you told me it was my fault.
Green: a color I don't think I'll ever stop loving.
Green, how I wish I'd never seen the color.
Green, those eyes in the crowd - I thought she was you.
Green eyes, my heart skipped a beat - I hate that the thought of you still makes me giddy.
Green, a color that can tear you up inside.
Prompts - 2016
RandomJust been taking some time to do short writing with prompts. I'm not gonna edit these too much and I'm not sure how many I'll post, I'm just kinda doing this for fun at the moment. Hope you enjoy it!