Chapter one: The return

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   After eight years in the city she was finally returning to her village. She had missed her small house so much, and more than all her dear mother.

  She sat waiting in the reception of the school she studied in for the last eight year, after being taught for the first few years of her live by her mother, from whom she learned how to read and write.

  The lord was coming to take her back to the village: her mother had written in the letter she had sent her a week ago.

  She still remembered him very well after eight years not seeing him. Back then, he was still seventeen; a young lad and her ten; a child. She remembered his dark blonde hair, full lips, strong jaw, high cheeks bones, but what she loved the most about his appearance was his piercing green eyes. He was her hero back then...

  She was cut from her daydreaming by the sound of horses, it must be him, she thought taking her luggage and standing up. And then he entered the room...

  What was so alluring about Lord Benjamin was his aura that radiated confidence and power. Maturing had certainly been beneficial to him; his face was now more chiseled than ever, his body much more muscular and he was slightly taller; he towered easily over her 5ft 6''.

  To say she was mesmerized by him would be an understatement. She realized that his lips was moving, and turned bright red.

  'Like what you see?' He said enjoying her blush.

  She had grown up to be a beautiful woman, he thought. He was stunned by her beauty when he saw her standing there with sunlight from the window bathing her brown hair making it shines like millions star, her doe honey eyes trailing over him, her red lips in an adorable moue. Right then he was struck by feelings he had never experimented before. To make her feel more comfortable he began a conversation.

  'Hello, I'm Benjamin. You must be Natalia.' He said stretching his hand, for her to shake. She shook his hand, feeling less awkward.

  'Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you my lord.' She said curtsying.

  'The pleasure is mine.' He said flashing a perfect smile.

  'Is those your entire luggage?' He asked nearing her to take her belongings.

  'Yes, and I can carry them just fine, thank you.' She replied politely.

  'I will carry them.' He said getting annoyed; didn't all the girls like it when someone carries their stuff?

  'My lord, thank you for your help, but I will carry them.' She assured him.

  She was an independent woman that doesn't need to be assisted by a man like a weak little girl.

  'I insist. Give Me Your Luggage Right Now.' He said slowly and angrily giving her a look, that makes most men tremble.

  'Fine you can carry them.' She said storming out of the school.

  Once she was out, Benjamin went to the main office of the school to check its profits being the main financial contribute.

  Natalia was fuming; how dare he order her around? Damn you controlling lord, she thought. She went to the carriage and was going to climb in when hands closed her eyes.

  'Guess who?' She heard a familiar voice saying. She didn't need a second thought to know who it was.

  'Raphael.' Suddenly she was turned around and crushed in the arms of her childhood best friend. She had missed him so much. He came to visit her from time to time but it wasn't enough.

  'I had missed you so much.' He said tightening his arms around her.

  'I missed you too. You know how much I love you.' They were interrupted by someone clearing his throat.

  'AM I INTERRUPTING SOMETHING?' Benjamin growled out.

  'As you can see, yes. If you could leave us to finish our conversation'

  Natalia replied still irritated from his controlling behavior.

  'You seem to forget that I am your lord and you ought to respect me.' He said haughtily.

  'I'm sorry, my lord.' Natalia replied with sarcasm heavy in her tone.

  'Quit the attitude.' He said feeling a discomfort in his chest from seeing her in another man's arms.

  'As you wish, my lord.' She said with a saccharine smile.

  'Go in the carriage, right now.' He ordered her. 'I don't want to hear a single word.

  She pursed her lips and went in the carriage.

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