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Sleep... that's all I wanted... that's all I needed. But when the beating of my heart had stopped, it didn't last long. It could have been eternity or it could have been just a moment but that rhythm stuttered and came to life once more. Now I had never felt so alive and I wasn't pleased.

I slid open my eyes a fraction and was blinded by the light in the room, immediately I whimpered and scrunched them shut. The light was quickly covered and I felt relief settle in my body as the cool darkness wrapped around me again, lulling me to sleep with the help of a tender hand stroking my back.


I woke again but this time to voices. Hushed yet still audible to my ringing ears.

'How long will she be like this?' One voice asked. Concern colouring his tone.

'I cannot say my lord, it could be days or weeks. She may not make it out alive.' An older, more gravelly voice responded gravely.

'But her heart is beating and she awoke before? Is that not a good sign?' The first voice asked desperately.

'My lord the best we can do is pray to the Gods. They hold the answer. If she is to die again they must have use of her in the next life. If she is to live the Gods must have plans for her in this life.' A third voice rose up amongst the ringing.

I paid no heed to their words after this, desiring only to sink back into the dreams of a woman walking amongst the stars.


It was silent this time when I woke again. No ringing and no voices echoed in my ears. Emboldened by this new occurrence I opened my eyes slightly, relieved and a little pleased that there was no light to hurt my eyes.

There was no one here as I looked around the room, it had changed, the curtains were thankfully drawn and a few candles sparsely lit the room, even the animals were silent as if knowing that their mistress had taken ill. As my mind had woken, so too had my body, I was hesitant to move at first but couldn't resist as I felt the muscles stretching after a long sleep.

A sigh of relief escaped me as I twisted my neck to the side and brought my legs up, shaking a little as the muscles worked.

'You're awake.' A relieved voice exclaimed close to my side. I spied Oren sitting in a chair to the left of my bed, he appeared tired and ragged but no less brimming with relief.

'I am.' I rasped as I struggled to sit up, Oren rushed to my side, helping to sit with my back supported by the mountain of pillow that surrounded me. He brought a goblet of weak wine to my lips and I drank greedily, waiting somewhat impatiently for him to refill the cup before I quenched my thirst.

As I set the cup weakly on the table beside the bed, I watched Oren draw his chair closer to my side. I settled back into the pillows before I spoke again.

'What happened?'

He exhaled deeply before responding.

'You remember you were given a gift by King Brinley?'

I nodded. 'Yes I was bitten but what happened after I fell into the darkness.'

He hesitated to respond, his eyes darted across my face as he thought. 'Well... the healer was summoned but you had fallen into the darkness. He said he had never come across the bite of the snake before and knew not what to do. It was terrifying... you were so cold and still. The healer could not find your heartbeat. We thought you were dead and summoned a monk to preform the rights. Orman sealed the gates to the city and proclaimed to the people of your passing. When the monk arrived and begun the ritual your heart started beating again. It was a miracle.'

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