Chapter 4: Scorn

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This really isn’t my favourite chapter so far, it’s more of a filler and a background chapter more than anything else. I feel it’s kind of important to get an understanding of the world Adia/Massira lives in.


The journey to Kal-Gulla had so far been in silence. I with my smarting cheek had hurried to hide my face in the presence of Oren who appeared to strain himself to keep his eyes from wandering close to me. In silence our retinue of eight guards, Baor, Ralph, Oren and Weathstrom and my handmaidens, pushed on through the chilling weather. My thoughts returned to our departure from the keep; that had been an affair in itself.

‘The King is indisposed at the moment.’ The frog like councillor; Sir Henry Cavit had announced, standing upon the entrance steps to the Keep; ‘He wishes you safe travel to and from the caves.’

I rolled my eyes as I looked down to him from my horse Galia; ‘be assured Sir; our travels will be in peace. Tell my uncle we will return in the evening’

I tugged gently at Galia’s reins and brought her to a slow walk, leading the retinue out of the fortress grounds and towards Kal-Gulla; it lay a distance away from the outskirts of the capital, deep in the forest of Aminor.

Now we approached the forest, having woven through the bustling city streets. The forest seemed impenetrable, already in the early winter the branches of the pines were weighed heavy with frost and silence permeated the landscape. The animals were quite, slumbering in their deep burrows and caverns.

The beat of hooves against the earth was the only thing to break the silence, the horses were anxious, twitching at the faintest sound. Kwali never having ridden a horse on her own was riding with Ralph and Baon held tight to Bethel. I had so far kept my gaze ahead but allowed it to wander to my side where Kwali rode. She was nervous, gazing about the forest with wide eyes. I reached over and gave her my hand with a faint smile;

‘There is no need to be afraid. Aminor whilst being dark to the eyes is no more dangerous to us than a wild dog roaming the city. My grandmother came here to birth my father.’ I offered talkatively, distracting her from the surroundings we found ourselves in.

‘Alone?’ She questioned with surprise, I smiled again and nodded;

‘Yes. She was angry with my grandfather and came here. She had been confined to her chambers for weeks. They said that a child born in the winter snow of the North is a true Northman. It is a blessing.’ I remarked, smiling as I tugged at Galia’s reins;

‘That is now why many of the women come here to birth. They bring their mothers and sisters of course but men are never allowed.’

Kwali smiled at my story; ‘I was born in the water.’

‘The water?’ I remarked curiously, but Kwali kept her tongue quite;

‘Yes your grace. The water.’

Our conversation was left at that. Our eyes focused to the barely noticeable path ahead, I distantly heard hooves hasten to the front of the line. The beast slowed as I saw from the corner of my eye it came into step with Galia.

‘Haven’t you another woman to bother?’ I questioned toxically as I readjusted the shawl around my head, knowing that only one man would attempt to converse with me during the ride.

‘One can always use a friend in their travels to keep the boredom away.’ He stoically replied as he steadied his black horse. I laughed shortly;

‘Perhaps you have mistaken me my lord. I am not your friend; I am to be your wife.’

I dared not to glance at him but kept my gaze ahead, in the distance I saw the darkness approaching.

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