Chapter 2 "Meeting the New Master"

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The start of my early memories was me living alone, trying to survive on my own inside a forest. I didn't know what had happened to my parents, by the time I started to remember, I was alone inside a forest scavenging for food, anything for me to eat. I was alone inside the forest, I tried to survive on my own. Until one day a villager found me and I thought I would finally find a place where I can be at ease. But it wasn't like that...

I was brought to an orphanage inside a village, everyone there hated me for some reason. But I get a pretty good idea why... unlike them my appearance is different. I had silver hair while a pair of glistening emerald eyes. Just from the look of it, they would already guess that I wasn't from around there. So instead of being treated kindly, I was isolated instead. Though the sister was nice enough to provide me food and shelter. The other kids wouldn't play or talk to me so I was basically alone yet again.

Then one day the sister told me that someone wanted to adopt me. I was really happy because it means I'll be living with a family. I was excited thinking that I would finally be able to be at ease. That day where I was adopted was the most horrible day of my life. It was the first day I start living in hell. The family which adopted me was actually hired by a group of slave traders who wanted to sell me and make a profit of my features.

The sister wouldn't let shady guys like them adopt me, that's why they send a couple to take me instead. I was quickly thrown into a small cage, where I was brought inside a huge building. There I was being auctioned for, to anyone who is willing to buy me the highest. In the same day, I bought by some rich noblemen. There I experienced hell, he chained me up and started to whip me until my body was covered with scars.

It seemed he always bought small children and tortured them so he can let out some stream. Once he had done his worse he would throw them out like garbage. At least that's what I heard from his servants who had fed me. As I stayed with him I realized something unusual about my body. Even though I was whipped so badly, my scar disappeared the next day. My body was healed once I had enough sleep. The noblemen found this fascinating and because of this I was tortured even more. He believed that I would be able to take much more than the others that's why I was brutally tortured. The whip used on me would have spikes.

It tore my flesh, at first I thought of just taking it like that but soon I had enough of it and decided to escape. I managed to escape from it and flee to the forest. But he didn't give up, so he tried to find it. I couldn't escape far so he managed to capture me again. I was then tortured even much more, but I didn't give up. I continued to escape. Every single day, until he grew tired and decided to sell me back to the slave traders. The slave trader didn't mind having me back and because they knew about my unusual body. They were able to keep selling me at the highest price.

Since then I experienced many hardships, a life close to living in hell. Some of the buyers would sometimes slash my body with knives, others would dress me up. There are those who could touch me in a disgusting manner. Yet I never give up. I will always struggle and tried to escape. But every single time I was always caught. The last buyer was a general, he wanted a toy. When he bought me, he wanted to know how far I can endure pain.

Every night he would stab my body, beat me up, slash my body until I was pooled with blood. Yet the very next day I would heal. I tried to escape but his home was hard. I couldn't do it and in the end, I had to endure so much. I was able to feel like I would give up and just end it but I found a hope where I managed to escape. I thought that I was free but the slave traders found me instead.

I had enough...


Huff* huff*

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