Chapter 10

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"SHto this is the palace," said Benjamin, as we stroll to the gate. We arrived to Toronto yesterday. We were pretty tired and we went off to a hotel and slept there. It is now morning and we were at the witches' coven. The palace was old and dusty, just as I expected. It looked like a haunted palace.

"Yup." I say, as we walk to the front gate. Sun shines on us and we scream. We super sped to the shed. Since, witches hate vampires, they always mess with our daylight ring. "Stupid witches." I mumble. Then, I feel an aneurysm. I grit my teeth and held my hand, I don't scream. It stops and a crowd of witches walk toward us. They were all dressed in weird black cloaks.

"My name is Elizabeth Morrison. My mother was Ella Morrison." I say loudly, so each one of them can hear me. They all were shocked to see me. A middle aged lady walked toward me and smiled. "You're Elizabeth? My, you've grown, since I last saw you." She fondled my blonde hair affectionately.

I smile. Benjamin cleared his throat. The witch looked over at him. "He is Benjamin. My friend." I say.

The woman nodded. "My name is Cara. And, I used to be friends with your mother." She said to me. I frown. I didn't know any of mum's friends, so this was new to me.

"Oh. Um, can we talk in private?" I ask, urgently. "Sure." She said, pleasantly and we walked inside the dusty palace.


"Although it's a difficult spell. We'll do it," said Myra, one of the coven witches. Cara smiled and nodded. "We will help you, Elizabeth."

"Thank you. When will we get started?" I ask Cara. "An hour later. We need to prepare."

I nod and Benjamin smiles at me. I smile back and held his hand. He squeezed it gently. We spent an hour playing a hand game, that we used to play when we were younger.

"Elizabeth, we will start whenever you're ready." Cara said, walking up to me. I get up from the couch. Benjamin got up and hugged me. I hug back tightly. "Break a leg, Liz." Benjamin said. I smile. "Thanks, Ben,"

I turn to Cara. We all walk to a room. The room was quite big and dark. Cara lit the candles. There was a small bed. She turned to me. She handed me a small bittle of liquid. "Drink it. You need to stay unconcsious, while we do this." I take the bottle. "Bottoms up," Benjamin said. I take a deep breath and chug down the small bottle.

"Lie in the bed, Elizabeth." Cara said. I walk to the bed and lie down. I lie straight on my back. Benjamin walked to me and held my hand. He smiled. "Sleep tight, Liz." I hear him say, before falling asleep.

Dream ~♤♡♧◇

I am in a small hallway. I open my eyes and breath heavily. The hallway was dark and empty. I was a teeny tiny bit scared. I look down at my clothes. I'm wearing a light blue dress, which ends up in my thighs. Unusual. My blonde hair was let down and neatly brushed.

I walk down the stairs. I look down at my bare feet, as I walk down. "Liz!" A distant voice called out. I look around. Suddenly, I am thrown against a hard surface. I wince as I fall.

I look up and see Margaret. I frown. She had a small smirk on her lips. "Why are you here, Margaret?" I demand, getting up. All of a sudden, Justin comes out of nowhere. I start to smile. "Justin... you're here." I get up from the ground and walk to him. He gave me a look of disgust.

"I hate you." He spat at me. I frown and look at Margaret, who had an evil smile spread on her ugly face. Justin turned to Margaret and kissed her. I gasp. Margaret kissed him back and wrapped her arm around his waist. She opened his eyes, while kissing him, and looked at me.

I glare at her. She had a smug look. I lunge at her.

And, suddenly, I'm in a different place with different clothes. Now, I'm in a park, surrounded by blossom trees. There was a cold wind. I pull my pink shawl, which I was wearing, closer. This is all so confusing. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see my Father. I smile. He smiled and engulfed me in a embrace.

"What is happening, dad?" I mumble, against his chest. "Shh. Everything's going to be fine." He said and pulled out a gun. I pull away and look at him in disbelief. Dad chuckled darkly and shot me. I feel the vervain enter my stomach and cry in pain.

I am now lying on my bed. But, not the bed that I sleep in. Benjamin's bed. I look at myself. I was naked. My body was covered with a sheet. I quickly get up from the bed and search for Benjamin. Where is he? Suddenly, I feel kisses in my neck.

I gasp and turn around. Benjamin was standing only with his boxer briefs on. He smiled and kissed my lips. I frown. What the hell is he happening?

But, I find myself kissing back. I pull away after a moment, realizing that he can hurt me. And, yes, I was right. An evil smirk was forming. I sigh and hug him, wrapping my hands around his neck. He hugged back half heartedly. I touch his neck and snap it. He fell to the ground. I feel myself slowly float away...

I open my eyes and inahale through my mouth harshly.

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