Chapter 18

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9 months later~▪○⊙☆♡

I open my eyes and look around. Aunt Selina let out a sigh of relief. "You're finally awake! George! Come in!" She said. The door of the ward opened, revealing George with two babies in his arms. He smiled widely at me. My heart skips a beat. Those are my babies?

Selina and George smiled at me. George walked towards me and I saw their faces. "One boy and one girl! Can you believe it? They're twins!" Selina exclaimed, smiling widely.

George handed me one of them. Tears of joy filled in my eyes. "This is Benjamin Morrison," said George. I smiled at the name. He gave me my another baby. "And, this is Isabella Morrison."

They were asleep of course. They were wrapped in blue and pink blankets. I start to laugh in joy. I kissed them and held them tightly to my chest. "I love you, I love you so so much."

George and Selina hugged me. I look at them. "You must me tired. You should sleep. Let me have them," offered Selina. I shook my head. "No, it's fine. I want to hold them."

The both opened their eyes a little bit. I giggle and press a kiss against their forehead.

"Hey, Liz. Your dad wants to face time," said George showing me the Iphone. Dad smiled widely. "Liz! Oh god! You've gotten so pale!" He gasped, when he saw my babies. "Oh my god! Are they...?!" He asked frantic.

I laugh and nod. "Yes. Dad, these are my babies!" I exclaim. Louise and Amanda came in the screen. They gasp and scream. "OH MY GOD! THAT'S NOT YOUR CHILD, IS IT?" Louise and Amanda shrieked. I laugh hard at them. Dad laughed.

"Aww. They are so cute!" Louise exclaimed. "So, what are their names?" Amanda asked. I show Ben to them. "This is Benjamin Morrison," I say. Amanda's eyes fill with tears, and I feel myself crying too. Dad and Louise smile at me.

I show them Ella. "This is Isabella Morrison," I said, tears spilling from my eyes. Dad smiled widely. "They are adorable, Liz!"

"Indeed they are!" Amanda squealed. I chuckled. "Ok. Show's over guys. Let her rest," said George, taking the phone away. Although, I wanted to talk more. I wanted to ask about Justin. He didn't call me once in these 9 months.

Three years later :-*

"DAD!" I squeal and jump in my father's arms. He hugged me tightly and laughed. Ella and Ben ran to us and hugged dad. "Oh my! You've grown so much!" Dad said, hugging them tightly. I smile at them. Dad kissed Ella and Ben.

"I love this place," said dad, as we walked to the living room. After my babies were born, I wanted to have a place of my own. So, I moved awa to Vancouver. Away from everyone. Far away. I needed it. I needed to have my distance. I couldn't even breathe. So I left. George and Selina were okay with that. I was grateful for that.

"Wanda!" I call out the maid. Wanda calmly walked in the room. "Please tuck in Ben and Ella," I say to her. Ben and Ella groaned. "But, mother!" They protested. I shook my head. "No. It's past your bedtime," they still groaned. I laugh and kiss them good night. Father watched us, smiling.

He also kissed them and they left for bed. I walk to the bar. Dad follwed me and we sit down. "Ok. Lane!" I call out the bartender. He served us glasses of whiskeys. We sip our drink.

"You've grown to a beautiful young mother, Liz." He said, after a moment of silence. I smile and put my hand on his shoulder. "Thanks, dad."

"So, how are Amanda and Louise?" I ask. He nodded. "Yes. They are very well," he said. I wanted to ask about how Justin was. Dad read my mind and sighed. "Liz, I have something to tell you."

"Justin is a vampire now," I spit out a drink at dad. Dad closed his eyes and wiped the spit with a napkin. "What?!" I ask. "But, how?! What the hell?! Why didn't anyone tell me?!"

"Well, after you left, Justin had an accident. A car crash with me. We were driving down a dark lane. And, I was driving recklessly. So we had an accident. He was dying. There was no one around. So, I had to turn him," said dad guiltily.

"And, the problem is," he continued, as I continued to give him a disbelief look. I sip my whiskey quietly. "The problem is that he has turned off his humanity," I again spit out water all over dad. "Liz!" He exclaimed, wiping his eyes.

"He turned off his humanity?!" None of this is making any sense. "For about three years," said dad. "You kept this from me three years?!" I shout. Dad sighed. "I'm sorry. I thought that you didn't want any more trouble in your life."

I sighed. "He's my friend, dad," I say. We switch to another topic.

"The reason, why I came here is, that the ancestors of the healers want to meet. Don't worry, they will not kill you," he said. I sigh and nod. "So, you have to to to the town again." I nod, already knowing this. Brampton is my home. That's where I belong. And, now that I've finally moved on from Ben, (although, I still love him), I need to go back.

"We'll leave tomorrow," I said. Dad smiled and nodded. "Oh! And, there's another news!" He said excitedly. I smiled slightly. "Ok, dad. What is the exciting news?" I asked, sipping my drink.

"Amanda is getting married!" I again spit my drink at dad. Dad groaned. "Elizabeth!"

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